fix: apply discounts (effectively just maker rebate) on network trades #11659
Jenkins MKII / Jenkins
Sep 5, 2024 in 51m 31s
- CI Config (2.6 sec)
- Config (11 sec)
- Git clone (28 sec)
- publish to vega-dev-releases (1.4 sec)
- Dependencies (3.6 sec)
- Linters (15 sec)
- shellcheck (5.7 sec)
- shellcheck (6.4 sec)
- yamllint (5.7 sec)
- yamllint (7.3 sec)
- json format (5.7 sec)
- json format (7.4 sec)
- markdown spellcheck (14 sec)
- markdown spellcheck (8.3 sec)
- shellcheck (5.7 sec)
- Tests (42 min)
- approbation (17 sec)
- approbation (17 sec)
- unit tests (17 sec)
- unit tests (13 min)
- unit tests with race (1 ms)
- unit tests with race (19 min)
- core/integration tests (17 sec)
- core/integration tests (15 min)
- core/integration perps tests (17 sec)
- core/integration perps tests (14 min)
- datanode/integration tests (17 sec)
- datanode/integration tests (5 min 52 sec)
- Vega Market Sim (17 sec)
- Vega Market Sim (25 min)
- Building Common » vega-market-sim (24 min)
- Vega Market Sim (25 min)
- Vegavisor autoinstall and pup (17 sec)
- Vegavisor autoinstall and pup (13 min)
- Building Common » visor-autoinstall-and-pup (13 min)
- Vegavisor autoinstall and pup (13 min)
- System Tests (17 sec)
- System Tests (42 min)
- Building Common » system-tests (42 min)
- remove old junit result file (1.4 sec)
- System Tests (42 min)
- mocks check (17 sec)
- mocks check (13 min)
- print go version (7.4 sec)
- copy vega repo (5.3 sec)
- remove vega copy (1.5 sec)
- mocks check (13 min)
- protos (17 sec)
- protos (5 min 3 sec)
- Install dependencies (4 min 24 sec)
- buf lint (3.3 sec)
- proto format check (5.6 sec)
- proto check (12 sec)
- copy vega repo (2.6 sec)
- remove vega copy (1.5 sec)
- protos (5 min 3 sec)
- Compile visor (2 min 30 sec)
- Compile visor (2 min 13 sec)
- Compile (1 min 40 sec)
- check for modifications (1.4 sec)
- list files (1.5 sec)
- Sanity check (1.5 sec)
- get version (1.5 sec)
- Compile visor (2 min 13 sec)
- approbation (17 sec)
- Declarative: Post Actions (1.6 sec)