Cobble Compression is a Minetest mod that aims to make cobblestone more useful and easier to store.
- Create compressed cobblestone by placing 9 cobblestone of previous tier to the crafting grid. You can compress it all the way up to octuple. That's 43,046,721 uncompressed cobblestone!
- A craftable set of tools for each tier of compressed cobblestone
- More features coming in the future
The source code of Cobble Compression is distributed under the GNU General Public License v3. See "Authors of media files" section for licenses and authors of media assets.
Brane praefect (CC BY-SA 2.0)
Neuromancer (CC BY-SA 2.0)
Veikko Mäkelä (CC BY-SA 2.0)
- Cobblestone node texures (cc_node_01.png, cc_node_02.png, [...] cc_node_08.png) are all based on default_cobble.png texture by Neuromancer, which is based on texture by Brane praefect