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Meningitis APP

DHIS2 standard webapp which controls the generation and management of origin events for Meningitis Linelist metadata.


Meningitis App has been developed in Javascript using React framework as it is recommended by DHIS2 core developer team.

In order to keep coherence with DHIS2 css style and DHIS2 webapp development paradigm, DHIS2 Application Plattform has been used for bootstrapping Meningitis App. Along with styling, DHIS2 Application Plattform provides a series of custom React hooks, that have been used to make API requests and mutations.

EHAS delivers the app already bundled and ready to install in a DHIS2 instance (v.3x) through App Management app.


Meningitis App was designed for MSF-OCBA DHIS2 servers working together with Meningitis Linelist metadata, already configured by EHAS Foundation, as an extension of its functionality. This app interact with DHIS2 API in order to automatize the control and management of Meningitis patients that don't belong to the Health Area of Origin (HAO) of their reporting Health Structure. With this app, data entry process gets simplified for MSF-OCBA data clerks in this particular matter.

In order to facilitate the maintenance and/or modification of this app's code, this guide will help to MSF-OCBA technicians to:

  • Setup a development environment
  • Understand the execution's flow of the app
  • Understand the structure of the app
  • Build and bundle the app from its source code

Setup a development environment

This section will explain how to setup a development environment to work with DHIS2 React Apps in general and with Meningitis App in particular.



  1. Create a new folder:

    sudo mkdir newfolder && cd newfolder
  2. Install the dependencies

    sudo yarn global add @dhis2/cli
  3. Initialize

    sudo d2 app scripts init my-app-name
  4. Clone the repository

    sudo git init
    sudo git clone
  5. Delete ./my-app-name/src folder and replace it by ./meningitis-app/src folder

    sudo rm -r ./my-app-name/src
    sudo mv ./meningitis-app/src ./my-app-name/


Executing the app from the developer environment we have just setup requires two steps:

  • User needs to be logged into the DHIS2 instance in a web browser before we execute the app from our development setup.

  • We need to modify the default's apiVersion variable the app uses the first time the app is executed.

Taking this in consideration:

  1. Login into the DHIS2 instance in a web browser

  2. Start the app from ~/my-app-name

    sudo yarn start
  3. Edit the file ~/newfolder/my-app-name/.d2/shell/src/App.js and replace the apiVersion for the version of the DHIS2 instance where the app is gonna work

const appConfig = {
    process.env.REACT_APP_DHIS2_BASE_URL || window.localStorage.DHIS2_BASE_URL,
        appName: process.env.REACT_APP_DHIS2_APP_NAME || "",
        apiVersion: parseInt(process.env.REACT_APP_DHIS2_API_VERSION) || 30,
    This is the default value and for our example needs to be changed from 32 to 30 because 
    of the DHIS2 server's version from MSF-OCBA

Execution flow chart

This section details the execution's flow of the app with a self-explanatory diagram:

"Event's flowchart during the execution of the app"

Note: In case the project org unit id changes, the first request to the API (EventList) should be changed in order to apply the logic of the app to the events which are descendants of the new project's org unit. This will be changed in EventList.js

const query = {
  events: {
    resource: "events.json",
    params: {
      orgUnit: "wg60MeX0Txd",
      ouMode: "DESCENDANTS",
      program: "VOEVJzwp4F7",
      lastUpdatedDuration: "300d",
      filter: "MZ5Ww7OZTgM:eq:First visit",
      skipPaging: "true",

Structure of the app

The app request to the API a list of events which are:

  • First visit type
  • Belongs to the program selected
  • Belong to the descendants orgUnits from the orgUnit selected
  • Have been updated during the previous 300 days to the execution of the app

Note: All these parameters can be changed adapting them to new scenarios

Then, the app iterates through this event list checking each event and deciding between:

  • Doing nothing
  • CreateOrigin event
  • DeleteOrigin event
  • UpdateOrigin event

In every case, the First Visit event related with each TEI will be updated by the UpdateFirstVisit component. It is designed this way to be sure the data elements related with every First Visit event have the correct values according with the HAO attribute of each TEI. So, no matter how many times the HAO attribute is edited and changed that the origin control data element will be always up to date once Meningitis App is executed.

Further description of every app's components are included as inline comments at the beginning of each file *.js in components folder.

Build and bundle

From the app folder (~/my-app-name):

    sudo yarn build

A new folder named build will be created in your folder structure. In ~/build/bundle folder will be MeningitisApp's pack ready to get installed in the DHIS2 server.

This is how the example's folder structure of MeningitisApp should look like:

"Event's flowchart during the execution of the app"



Meningitis App code for origin event's management







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