A Redis REST API with NodeJS using Expressjs and Redis, Inspired by lucianostraga/heroku-redis-node-rest-api.
You can deploy your own copy of the app using the web-based flow:
Click on "Deploy to Heroku" button above and follow the instructions:
- Enter an application name
- Choose a region
- Update config vars or leave default values
You can customize the button, for example you might have the following button URL:
<a href="https://heroku.com/deploy?template=https://github.com/velizarn/heroku-redis-api/tree/main&
env[WHITELIST_IP]=">Deploy to Heroku</a>
This will cause the Heroku app-set interface to prefill IP address for the WHITELIST_IP environment variable and to use specific branch from your repo.
The app name argument is optional. If no app name is specified, a random name will be generated. Since Heroku app names are in a global namespace, you can expect that common names, like “blog” or “wiki”, will already be taken. It’s often easier to start with a default name and rename the app later.
You can deploy to DigitalOcean by clicking the button below:
You can deploy to Render.com by clicking the button below:
You can deploy to Scalingo by clicking the button below:
Navigate to https://gitpod.io/#https://github.com/velizarn/heroku-redis-api and follow the instructions. After installation create .env file in your workspace with following parameters:
The most important parameter is REDIS_URL. After creating .env file restart the application, if needed.
Install Javascript dependencies (via yarn or npm)
Create .env file with required params, refer to .env.sample
Start the application (npm run start)
- GET /help
- Displays all available endpoints
- GET /info
- Returns information and statistics about the server
- GET /insomnia.json
- Returns data to import a ready-to-use collection into Insomnia Core
- GET /keys
- Returns all keys, optionally you can set a pattern, e.g. /keys?pattern=name*
- GET /get?key=
- Get the value of key. If the key does not exist the special value nil is returned. An error is returned if the value stored at key is not a string, because GET only handles string values.
- GET /type?key=
- Returns the string representation of the type of the value stored at key.
- GET /ttl?key=
- Returns the remaining time to live of a key that has a timeout.
- POST /del
- Removes the specified key/s, e.g. keys=foo, keys=foo1,foo2,foo3, etc. A key is ignored if it does not exist.