This package contains a Frankenstein's monster of rules and fixers for PHP CS Fixer which attempt to satisfy most of the WordPress Coding Standards. It builds upon the @PSR2 and @PhpCsFixer rulesets, along with custom fixers for some WordPress peculiarities.
WPCS rules not covered by this package include, but are not limited to:
- Filename conventions
- Tabs vs Spaces
- Nearly all errors and warnings which are not automatically fixable
Yoda style looks to no longer be required in WPCS 3.0, so it is not required in this ruleset.
I use PHP CS Fixer because I find it easier to integrate into my workflow than PHP_CodeSniffer. If you are not me, and especially if you require WPCS compliance, I highly suggest that you stick with PHP_CodeSniffer and the official WPCS sniffs.
// In case of not using autoload...
require __DIR__ . '/includes.php';
$config = new PhpCsFixer\Config();
$RuleSet = new vena\WordPress\PhpCsFixer\WordPressRuleSet();
return $config
->registerCustomFixers( $RuleSet->getCustomFixers() )
// OPTIONAL. See below.
->registerCustomFixers( array(
new vena\WordPress\PhpCsFixer\Fixer\WordPressCapitalPDangitFixer(),
) )
->setRiskyAllowed( $RuleSet->isRisky() )
->setIndent( "\t" )
->setRules( array_merge(
// OPTIONAL. See below.
'Vena/wp_capital_p_dangit' => true,
) )
->exclude( 'vendor' )
->in( __DIR__ )
With few exceptions, WPCS specifies spaces after opening and before closing parenthesis.
If a variable is used as an array key, it must be flanked by spaces. All other keys should not have spaces.
For any array which contains multiple items and any associative key, each item must appear on a new line. NOTE: This fixer DOES NOT fix indentation, and should be used with the array_indentation
Attempts to automatically correct common misspellings of WordPress in strings and comments. Its rule, Vena/wp_capital_p_dangit
, is not included in the RuleSet::getRules()
helper, and must be added to your config if you intend to use it. Unlike the official WPCS sniff, this does not care about class names. NOTE: This is a risky fixer that may not accurately distinguish safe transforms.
Test scaffolding is built on the work of Kuba Werłos' PHP CS Fixer: custom fixers