Library is used to display custom alert dialogs for different types
Types : 1. Success 2. Error 3. Info
To Use library, add library in pubsec.yaml
vk_alert_dialog: ^0.0.5
after package pasted run flutter packages get
in terminal, then import package
import 'package:vk_alert_dialog/vk_alert_dialog.dart';
finally use in your Dart code
For success alert dialog
await VKAlertDialog.successDialog(
icon: Icon(Icons.account_circle),
context: context,
title: 'Profile Update',
description: 'profile has been updated successfully',
buttonText: 'OK');
For Error alert dialog
await VKAlertDialog.errorDialog(
context: context,
title: 'Profile Update',
description: 'profile update failed, please try again',
buttonText: 'OK');
For Info alert dialog
await VKAlertDialog.infoDialog(
context: context,
title: 'Profile Update',
description: 'please fill required fields',
buttonText: 'OK');