Releases: verachell/YeetWords
This release adds a new feature:
feat: add user command OUTPUT to allow user to specify the output format as md or html (for markdown or HTML respectively). Previously only markdown was supported. Output defaults to markdown if user does not include the OUTPUT command in the user program. See Wiki for details. Backwards-compatible.
This release patches 1 bug:
fix: better case handling for a/an replacement
Changed the a_an function to handle the situation where a sentence begins with uppercase or lowercase "A " (previously only worked with lowercase "a ").
In this release, "a" is replaced by "an" when
- upper- or lower-case "A " at the start of a sentence is followed by a lowercase vowel, and/or
- the equivalent situation in the middle of a sentence
Note: It is not easy to predict the user's needs. e.g. "A umbrella" vs "A Umbrella" vs "A UMBRELLA" vs "a USB drive"
Full Changelog: 1.1.2...1.1.3
This release patches several bugs:
fix: LOOP command can handle larger parameter values (>50000W).
fix: END-style commands can be used interchangeably as intended.
fix: created a more consistent indicator of progress to the user in long LOOP and WRITE commands.
fix: user receives warning message for large LOOP and WRITE parameter values (program continues).
What's Changed
- fix: LOOP command can handle larger parameter values (>50000W) by @verachell in #6
Full Changelog: 1.1.1...1.1.2
This release patches a bug:
fix: WRITE command can handle a larger (~50000W) repeat parameter.
See issue #3
What's Changed
- fix: WRITE command can handle a larger (~50000W) repeat parameter by @verachell in #5
Full Changelog: 1.1.0...1.1.1
This release adds a new feature:
feat: add user ability to assign lists from catalog subsets (not just lists) in the ASSIGNLIST command in the subset assignment syntax form of the command. See Wiki for details. Backwards-compatible.
What's Changed
- feat: add user ability to assign lists from catalog subsets by @verachell in #1
Full Changelog: 1.0.1...1.1.0
This is a patch for a bug, details as follows:
fix: remove an unnecessary assignment which had resulted in some program default variables residing in a user variable space
What's Changed
- fix: remove an unnecessary assignment in user vars by @verachell in #2
New Contributors
- @verachell made their first contribution in #2
Full Changelog: 1.0.0...1.0.1