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04 Credit card subscription payment

Rizda Dwi Prasetya edited this page Jun 22, 2020 · 4 revisions

Credit Card Subscription Payment is a feature that allows merchant to process subscription transactions from WooCommerce Subscriptions.


  • You must have WooCommerce Subscriptions installed on your WordPress online store.
  • You must have recurring acquiring bank MID & Core API feature on your Midtrans account (please contact your Midtrans PIC for further details).


  • WooCommerce might charge you extra fee for using WooCommerce Subscriptions, but it have no relation to Midtrans, and Midtrans does not have any control over their business model. Midtrans scope is to develop capability to process subscription technical-wise, if you choose to use WooCommerce Subscriptions.
  • Midtrans are not in any way affiliated or endorsing any of WooCommerce products, and are not getting any direct financial benefit from it.

Credit Card Subscription Configuration

  1. Go to WooCommerce - Settings - Payments - Midtrans Credit Card Subscription - Set up.
    (this method will appear if WooCommerce Subscriptions installed on your WordPress online store) Subs-Midtrans_Subs_Settings

  2. Enable the feature and fill all necessary information then click the Save changes button. Subs-Midtrans_Subs_Settings

Credit Card Subscription Payment's flow

  1. Let's buy a subscription product that you've already made - go to the checkout page - choose Subscription via Midtrans Subs-Checkout

  2. Your customer need to tick the Save Credit Card Details on the SNAP page and complete the payment.


  1. The recurring payment (due subscription schedule) will automatically deduct based on the previous credit card detail which the customer used to pay the initial subscription payment. Subs-Succeeded_Recurring


If the customer did not tick the Save Credit Card Details on the SNAP page, the first recurring payment will fail, the subscription will become on-hold and your customer need to renew the subscription to continue the subscription by complete the renewal payment that we've given in the order details on the customer page. Subs-Renewal_Payment
