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Mail Analyzing Interface for email bounce: A Perl module to parse RFC5322 bounce mails and generating structured data as JSON from parsed results. Formerly known as bounceHammer 4: an error mail analyzer.


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What is Sisimai

Sisimai is a Perl module for analyzing RFC5322 bounce emails and generating structured data from parsed results. Sisimai is the system formerly known as bounceHammer 4. Sisimai is a coined word: Sisi (the number 4 is pronounced Si in Japanese) and MAI (acronym of Mail Analyzing Interface).

Key features

  • Convert Bounce Mails to Structured Data
    • Supported formats are Perl(Hash, Array) and JSON(String)
  • Easy to Install, Use.
    • cpan, cpanm, or cpm
    • git clone & make
  • High Precision of Analysis
    • 2 times higher than bounceHammer
    • Support 68 MTAs/MDAs/ESPs
    • Support Feedback Loop Message(ARF)
    • Can detect 29 error reasons
  • Faster than bounceHammer 2.7.13p3
    • About 2.0 times faster

Command line demo

The following screen shows a demonstration of Sisimai at the command line using Perl(p5-sisimai) and Ruby(rb-sisimai) version of Sisimai.

Setting Up Sisimai

System requirements

More details about system requirements are available at Sisimai | Getting Started page.



$ cpanm --sudo Sisimai
--> Working on Sisimai
Fetching ... OK
1 distribution installed
$ perldoc -l Sisimai

From GitHub

$ cd /usr/local/src
$ git clone
$ cd ./p5-sisimai
$ make install-from-local
--> Working on .
Configuring Sisimai-4.25.5 ... OK
1 distribution installed


Basic usage

Sisimai->make() method provides feature for getting parsed data as Perl Hash reference from bounced email messages like following. Beginning with v4.25.6, new accessor origin which keeps the path to email file as a data source is available.

#! /usr/bin/env perl
use Sisimai;
my $v = Sisimai->make('/path/to/mbox'); # or path to Maildir/

# Beginning with v4.23.0, both make() and dump() method of Sisimai class can
# read bounce messages from variable instead of a path to mailbox
use IO::File;
my $r = '';
my $f = IO::File->new('/path/to/mbox'); # or path to Maildir/
{ local $/ = undef; $r = <$f>; $f->close }
my $v = Sisimai->make(\$r);

# If you want to get bounce records which reason is "delivered", set "delivered"
# option to make() method like the following:
my $v = Sisimai->make('/path/to/mbox', 'delivered' => 1);

if( defined $v ) {
    for my $e ( @$v ) {
        print ref $e;                   # Sisimai::Data
        print ref $e->recipient;        # Sisimai::Address
        print ref $e->timestamp;        # Sisimai::Time

        print $e->addresser->address;   # [email protected] # From
        print $e->recipient->address;   # [email protected]   # To
        print $e->recipient->host;      #
        print $e->deliverystatus;       # 5.1.1
        print $e->replycode;            # 550
        print $e->reason;               # userunknown
        print $e->origin;               # /var/spool/bounce/new/1740074341.eml

        my $h = $e->damn();             # Convert to HASH reference
        my $j = $e->dump('json');       # Convert to JSON string
        print $e->dump('json');         # JSON formatted bounce data

Convert to JSON

Sisimai->dump() method provides feature for getting parsed data as JSON string from bounced email messages like following.

#! /usr/bin/env perl
use Sisimai;

# Get JSON string from parsed mailbox or Maildir/
my $j = Sisimai->dump('/path/to/mbox'); # or path to Maildir/
                                        # dump() is added in v4.1.27
print $j;                               # parsed data as JSON

# dump() method also accepts "delivered" option like the following code:
my $j = Sisimai->dump('/path/to/mbox', 'delivered' => 1);

Callback feature

Beginning with Sisimai 4.19.0, make() and dump() methods of Sisimai accept a sub routine reference in hook argument for setting a callback method and getting the results generated by the method via Sisimai::Data->catch method.

#! /usr/bin/env perl
use Sisimai;
my $callbackto = sub {
    my $emdata = shift;
    my $caught = { 'x-mailer' => '', 'queue-id' => '' };

    if( $emdata->{'message'} =~ m/^X-Postfix-Queue-ID:\s*(.+)$/m ) {
        $caught->{'queue-id'} = $1;

    $caught->{'x-mailer'} = $emdata->{'headers'}->{'x-mailer'} || '';
    return $caught;
my $data = Sisimai->make('/path/to/mbox', 'hook' => $callbackto);
my $json = Sisimai->dump('/path/to/mbox', 'hook' => $callbackto);

print $data->[0]->catch->{'x-mailer'};    # Apple Mail (2.1283)

More information about the callback feature is available at Sisimai | How To Parse - Callback Page.


Beginning with Sisimai 4.1.27, dump() method is available and you can get parsed data as JSON using the method.

$ perl -MSisimai -lE 'print Sisimai->dump(shift)' /path/to/mbox

Output example

[{"smtpagent": "Sendmail","reason": "hasmoved","recipient": "[email protected]","replycode": "","senderdomain": "","alias": "","timezoneoffset": "+0900","deliverystatus": "5.1.6","timestamp": 1397086485,"origin": "set-of-emails/maildir/bsd/lhost-sendmail-22.eml","catch": {"x-mailer": "","queue-id": "","sender": ""},"destination": "","subject": "Nyaaaan","lhost": "localhost","rhost": "","listid": "","messageid": "[email protected]","addresser": "[email protected]","action": "failed","diagnostictype": "SMTP","smtpcommand": "DATA","feedbacktype": "","token": "61b5ea94209460ac018c1a2060bdab0acce9ffed","softbounce": 0,"diagnosticcode": "450 busy - please try later 551 not our customer 503 need RCPT command [data]"}]

Sisimai Specification

Differences between bounceHammer and Sisimai

The following table show the differences between ver.2 (bounceHammer 2.7.13p3) and Sisimai. More information about differences are available at Sisimai | Differences page.

Features bounceHammer Sisimai
System requirements(Perl) 5.10 - 5.14 5.10 - 5.30
Command line tools Available N/A
Modules for Commercial MTAs and MPSs N/A Included
WebUI/API Included N/A
Database schema for storing parsed bounce data Available N/A[1]
Analytical precision ratio(2000 emails)[2] 0.61 1.00
The speed of parsing email(1000 emails) 4.24s 1.35s[3]
The number of detectable bounce reasons 19 29
The number of MTA modules(parser engine) 15 68
Parse 2 or more bounces in a single email Only 1st rcpt ALL
Parse FeedBack Loop Message/ARF format mail Unable OK
Classification based on recipient domain Available N/A
Output format of parsed data YAML,JSON,CSV JSON only
Easy to install No Yes
Install using cpan, cpanm, or cpm command N/A OK
Dependencies (Except core modules of Perl) 24 modules 2 modules
LOC:Source lines of code 18200 lines 10500 lines
The number of tests in t/, xt/ directory 27365 tests 265000 tests
License GPLv2 or Perl 2 clause BSD
Support Contract provided by Developer End Of Sales Available
  1. Implement yourself with using DBI or any O/R Mapper you like
  3. Xeon E5-2640 2.5GHz x 2 cores | 5000 bogomips | 1GB RAM | Perl 5.24.1

Other specification of Sisimai


Bug report

Please use the issue tracker to report any bugs.

Emails could not be parsed

Bounce mails which could not be parsed by Sisimai are saved in the repository set-of-emails/to-be-debugged-because/sisimai-cannot-parse-yet. If you have found any bounce email cannot be parsed using Sisimai, please add the email into the directory and send Pull-Request to this repository.

Other Information

Related sites

See also




Copyright (C) 2014-2020 azumakuniyuki, All Rights Reserved.


This software is distributed under The BSD 2-Clause License.


Mail Analyzing Interface for email bounce: A Perl module to parse RFC5322 bounce mails and generating structured data as JSON from parsed results. Formerly known as bounceHammer 4: an error mail analyzer.







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