The objective of that PowerShell script is automating the installation by downloading the following products from Web and the setup them for an integration with AzureDevops Servers 2019:
- Git for Windows
- Atlassian Sourcetree
- Check Git for Windows is installed
- If not installed and authozied by the end-user, installing it from internet
- Check Atlassian Sourcetree is installed
- If not installed and authozied by the end-user, installing it from internet
- Recover Sourcetree sortcuts on the desktop and the start menu
- Retreive the current User Profile from the Azure Devops Server 2019
- Generate a new Private Access Token for Azure Devops Server
- Configure Git global settings with the user diaplayname, email, extra headers with the PAT, disabling the SSL verification, default hooks for commit messages checks
- Configure Sourcetree User Settings (EULA Agreement, Default User email and Default User Name)
- Configure Sourcetree Accounts (Default flase Atlassian and the Azure Devops one)
- Ensure Creadentials for the Azure Devops url is recorded by Windows Credential Manager
- Disable Sourcetree SSL verification
Name | Description |
OS | Windows 10 / Windows Server 2012 R2 |
Network | Access to internet and the target Azure Devops Server 2019 |
Admin Privilege | Not required |
Open the script "SetupSourceTree.ps1" with your favorite editor and update the URL of your Azure Devops Server with the variable "$devOpsCollectionUrl".
If your machine is able to run PowerShell script without security restriction policies:
PS:> .\SetupSourceTree.ps1
Otherwise open Microsoft PowerShell ISE with the script file and select all script content then press F8.