CI Technical Test C# Coding Test for WeSource Client
Please complete this Task as soon as possible. The goal of this exercise is to test your understanding of data processing. Complete the task on section A if programming in C# and Section B if programming in Python. Complete as much as you can.
SECTION A - C# Programming • You can use C# to complete this task in .NET Core. • Your code should use SOLID principle, LINQ, lambda expressions. • You can also load your data on table or memory, whichever is convenient. • Write Unit Test to test all functionalities. • Make use of state management.
Task 1: Extract rates from 1st October 2019 and 31st October 2019. The goal of this task is to extract the rates for the Euro i.e. (EUR) base currency between 1st October 2019 and 31st October 2019 using an API, in order to complete this task, you would need to carry out the following.
- Sing up for Fixer's API, which can be found in the following link. (
- After signing up, go to the following link ( to read more about the API.
- The API that will be used in this task is Please note you are limited to only 1000 API calls for the free license so make your request carefully. This is to test how you can avoid making unnecessary repetition of API calls
- Extract the rates for all the dates from 2019-10-01 to 2019-10-31 where 'EUR' is set as the base currency.
- Store the following information in a table or memory. • date • quote • base • rates
Task 2: Load data files and merge into one data. The goal of this task is to merge the three files in the 'data' folder into one. The loaded data has the following columns. • date i.e. (The date on which the transaction took place). • country i.e. (The country in which the transaction was made). • currency i.e. (The currency in which transaction amount is denominated in). • amount i.e. (The amount of the transaction).
Task 3: Merge the data with the rates dataset. The goal of this task is to merge the two data acquired in Task-1 and Task-2 and store the result in a new table or memory. Think about what keys you would need to join the two data and how you will join them. i.e. (inner join, left join, right join or an outer join). You are free to use LINQ expression for the joins.
Task 4: Add a new column or property called amount_eur, with the values in the column amount converted to Euros. The Goal of this task is to create a new property or column called 'amount_eur' in the data derived from Task-3. amount_eur can be derived by dividing the 'amount' by 'rates'.
Task 5: Group Countries into the specified Categories. The goal of this task is to put the countries from Task-4 in appropriate groups with the title country_group. The mapping of each country to a country group is as follows.
- Austria, Italy, Belgium and Latvia are mapped to the country group 'EU'
- Chile, Qatar, United Arab Emirates and United States of America are mapped to the country group 'ROW'
- United Kingdom, Australia and South Africa should be mapped to themselves i.e. (United Kingdom should be mapped to United Kingdom)
Task 6: Calculate the total amount in Euro for each country group. The goal of this task is to calculate the total amount in 'EUR' i.e. (using the column amount_eur) for each of the country group classified in the previous task and the result should be ordered in descending order of total amount in Euros.
Task 7: Display on web view as a formatted HTML table. • Output from Task 6. • Output from Task 5. o All the countries relating to the category to display in a sub table when the user clicks on a category on the main table.
Note: Please see attached files attached for readable instructions.