I am Victor Almeida. I'm currently working developing mobile apps with React Native framework. Find out more about me & feel free to connect with me here:
- I worked on the application's insurance functionality for the company BrasilSeg.
- Direct contribution to Banco do Brasil projects. I was also able to participate in some documentation.
- Development of the "Petronas Vision" application (available on play and apple store)
- Application (internal for workshops audience) "Totem PETRONAS" for a questionnaire on customer experience at the PETRONAS presentation booths.
- Application (internal) "ProPricing" with QR Code and barcode reading, as well as real-time location
- Application (internal) "PETRONAS Security" for registration and questionnaire of factory visitors.
- Application (internal) "PDF/PETRONAS Manual" to consult the PETRONAS manual in PDF
- Consultancy for publishing applications on the Apple Store
- more...
- Construction of landing pages and website update using CMS Liferay.
- Building modules and templates with Velocity and Freemarker.
- Application (internal) for questionnaire about experience and customer registration.
- Application (internal) library of books for use by children of the institute.
and more...