Install the software:
git clone $DUDLEY_URL cd dudley heroku create heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql:dev heroku pg:promote HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_TEAL # or whatever color [@@automatable?] heroku pg:psql < schema.sql heroku addons:add pusher:sandbox heroku config:add GIT_URL=[path to your git repo]
Visit https://api.heroku.com/signup and create a new Heroku account.
Validate your email and then visit https://api.heroku.com/account to get your API key. Then run:
sudo pip install heroku python install_keys.py [put your API key here]
Add the new user to your app:
heroku sharing:add [put your new user's email here]
Start your server:
git push heroku master
- builder runs a real build process
- check status codes to make sure build succeeded
- cancel builds
- Rebuild
- Marks job uncompleted
- But make sure we don't push to production
- Don't
push -f
on production
- Don't
- cleanup script to run by scheduler
- pushes web to run watchdb
- have watchdb look for dead jobs
- select * from jobs where active = 't' and last_update > now() - interval '1 minute'
- mark them as dead
- spawn a new builder thread
- build a new buildserver if none available?
- improve design
- easy install instructions
- optimize build speed
- figure out what to do with branches
- better ui integration with semaphore
- better integration with commitron