Invoicia is a web application for managing invoices of users by an organization. Basically organization can issue invoices using Invoicia app and can send it to users with the help of emails. Once user gets invoice he/she will have certain amount of time to pay money for that invoice and application will keep track of status of invoice and before deadlines reminder mails will be sent to users.
Before getting started, Keep in mind you should have atleast Node.js
and Git
downloaded in your system. Now you have to follow below mentioned steps-
- git clone
- cd
npm install
Now onwards to start app go to /invoicia_frontend
folder and do npm start
- You can find our Contributing guidelines here.
- Create a new invoice
- Ability to update the status of the invoice
- Send the invoice via email
- View invoices including status (paid, outstanding, late, etc.)
- Add a due date to an invoice
- View late invoices
- User authentication
folder strcuture:-
│ App.css
│ App.js
│ App.test.js
│ index.css
│ index.js
│ reportWebVitals.js
│ routes.js
│ setupTests.js
│ ├───Auth
│ │ auth_styles.css
│ │ forget_password.js
│ │ login.js
│ │ signup.js
│ │
│ ├───Dashboard
│ │ dashboard_styles.css
│ │ home.js
│ │ new_invoice.js
│ │
│ ├───Footer
│ │ footer.css
│ │ footer.js
│ │
│ ├───Header
│ │ header.css
│ │ header.js
│ │
│ └───User
│ edit_profile.js
│ profile.js
│ user_styles.css
- As shown in above structure
are folders that contains file which needs to be modified or implemented. - Auth folder contains login page, signup page and forget password page for app, you are required to implement same in
file and styling will be inauth_styles.css
file. - User folder contains profile page, edit_profile for app, you are required to implement same in
file and styling will be inuser_styles.css
file. - Header folder contains header(which will include navigation) for app, you are required to implement same in
file and styling will be inheader.css
file. - Footer folder contains footer for app, you are required to implement same in
file and styling will be infooter.css
file. - Dashboard folder contains dashboard for the app which will show all invoices for users as well as will have a form to create a new invoice, you are required to implement same in
file and styling will be indashboard_styles.css
file. - context folder contains react contexts used in data management. There is
file you have to modify to make user remain loggedin and you can create other contexts as well upon your requirmnets. - In
file you have to put all the routes fo client side.
Note(s):- 1) Design and specification are completely dependent on you but pages must have standard fields there
and you may add extra fields as well.
2) More information related to each and every page will be shared with you once it is assigned to you.
3) You have to strictly use react.js conventions while implementing features.
4) You can test them based on dummy data as well, no need to worry about backend and other things)`.