Please follow the below instructions to setup Simple Mail Service Application
- Better Plug & Play Components
- Faster application development
- Allows Parallel Development
- Handless Dependencies
- Built-in development server and debugger
- Restful request dispatching
- Integrated unit testing
- Low cost
- Easy to integrate
- Great documentation
- Very easy to integrate add-ons like Send Grid, PostGresSql, etc.
- Easy to get started, only need to install heroku toolkit.
- Simple deployment procedure.
For Linux/Mac OS
- Install Flask
$ sudo pip install virtualenv
$ sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv
cd simplemailservice
virtualenv venv
. venv/bin/activate
Flask activated in your virtualenv:
$ pip install Flask
System Wide Installation
$ sudo pip install Flask
- Install Send Grid
pip install sendgrid
For Windows
To see a demo deployed on heroku visit :