2+ years of expertise in manipulating data sets, building and deploying statistical models, and delivering data-driven insights to optimize business processes. Proficient in Python, SQL, Power BI, Scikit-Learn, and Azure. Adept at collaborating with cross-functional teams to drive changes and improve business outcomes.
Python3 | R | JS | DAX | HTML | SQL |
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Tensorflow | Keras | Numpy | Pandas | Sklearn | OpenCV | Matplotlib |
Conda | Jupyter | Spark | MySQL | Postgres | Tableau | Power BI |
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Nodejs | Git | Docker | Django |
Linux | Ubuntu |
Azure | Data Factory | Databricks | HDInsight | SQL Server |
Library | Functionality |
Tidyverse | Comprehensive collection of tools for data manipulation, visualization, and analysis. |
caret | Machine learning, training, and modeling. |
randomForest | Random Forest algorithm for classification and regression. |
e1071 | Support Vector Machines and other machine learning algorithms. |
MASS | Tools and datasets for statistical modeling. |
arules | Association rule mining (e.g., Apriori algorithm). |
arulesViz | Visualization tools for association rules. |
cluster | Cluster analysis, including methods like PAM. |
NbClust | Determine the optimal number of clusters in clustering algorithms. |
dbscan | Density-based clustering. |
lattice | Data visualization and graphics. |
reshape2 | Reshape and reorganize data frames. |
rpart | CART (Classification and Regression Trees) algorithm. |
party | Decision tree modeling and visualization. |
partykit | Tree-based models and visualizations. |
rattle | Enhanced tree plots and data mining utilities. |
wordcloud | Generate word clouds from text data. |
tm | Text mining tools. |
tidytext | Tidy tools for text mining. |
knitr | Dynamic report generation. |
VIM | Visualization of missing values. |
mice | Multiple imputation of missing data. |
outliers | Detect and handle outliers in datasets. |
AppliedPredictiveModeling | Predictive modeling tools. |
glmnet | Lasso and elastic-net regression. |
pls | Partial least squares and principal component regression. |
earth | Multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS). |
ROCR | Performance visualization for classifiers (ROC curves). |
Feel free to explore my repositories and projects. If you have any questions or would like to collaborate, please reach out to me via LinkedIn or [email protected]