Task 9 : Statement Verification and Evidence Finding with Tables
Recently, there has been an interest in factual verification and prediction over structured data like tables and graphs. To circumvent any false news incident, it is necessary to not only model and predict over structured data efficiently but also to explain those predictions. In this paper, as part of the SemEval-2021 Task 9, we tackle the problem of fact verification and evidence finding over tabular data. There are two subtasks. Given a table and a statement/fact, subtask A determines whether the statement is inferred from the tabular data, and subtask B determines which cells in the table provide evidence for the former subtask. We make a comparison of the baselines and state-of-the-art approaches over the given SemTabFact dataset. We also propose a novel approach CellBERT to solve evidence finding as a form of the Natural Language Inference task. We obtain a 3- way F1 score of 0.69 on subtask A and an F1 score of 0.65 on subtask B.
Subtask 1: 2 way Classification of the statements as Entailed and Refuted and 3 way Classification of the statements as Entailed, Refuted and Unknown
Subtask 2: Classifying the Cells as the Relevant and Irrelevant
The corpus has two versions of training data:
For more information refer this
- Python 3.5
- Pytorch 1.2.0
- Pytorch_Pretrained_Bert 0.6.2 (Huggingface Implementation)
- Pandas
- tqdm-4.35
- TensorboardX
- unidecode
- nltk: wordnet, averaged_perceptron_tagger
Preprocessing for Table transformers
Refer this Preprocessing_Code.ipynb notebook.
The folder "data" contains the raw data given by Semeval organization. We included the modified version dataset (D1) which contained the Manual dataset along with the Autogenerated statements. Autogenerated statements that have common tables with the manual dataset were used to create this version. For complete raw version refer corpus description above. These two files in total contains roughly 72k statements, the positive and negative satements are balanced Use the following code to perform entity linking on raw dataset.
!python preprocess_data.py
Tokenization was performed on the preprocess data.
!python preprocess_BERT.py --scan horizontal
Preprocessing for TAPAS
Same as that of TableBERT.
Training the model on train.tsv and dev.tsv fle.
!python "run_SciBERT.py" --do_eval --do_train --scan horizontal --fact first --output_dir output folder --train_batch_size 6 --period 3000 --bert_model "allenai/scibert_scivocab_uncased" --learning_rate 0.00001
For this download the tapas code from its main repository and follow the tapas collab.
!git clone https://github.com/google-research/tapas
Since the Model is quite big, the finetuned model is privately stored in the Google cloud.
Tapas using Table Pruning to handle Large Tables and large statements.
Train CellBERT using CellBERT_train.py and evaluate using CellBERT_eval.py
You can cite our ACML 2021 paper for the latest work on table based statement verification.
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