Viking 1.6.0
Open Source Desktop program to manage GPS data.
Executive Summary of Changes in 1.6
- Mapnik Rendering Layer (not available in Windows build ATM) - with preprocessor CartoCSS option.
- Export files via GPSBabel
- History of positions enabling jumping back (and forwards) to previous locations - similar to web browser back (and forward) buttons.
- Extended GPSBabel filtering support - Enables limited/simple OSM Overpass API support.
- Support reading of MBTiles files.
- Support reading of OSM Metatiles.
- Configurable Toolbar + Menu keys
- Various time related features: Edit trackpoint and waypoint times, Quick search of tracks by date, Sort layers by time and more.
- Improved route finder UI usage
- GeoJSON support via external programs 'togpx' and 'togeojson' (Not available in Windows build ATM)
- New default Map Cache layout to be more compatible with standard OSM/TMS structure.
- Support GPX Metadata values common to GPX1.0 and GPX1.1
- Extended map type configuration options (zoom levels + area extents limits)
- Allow starting Viking with command line parameters to set position, zoom and map type.
- Export Track, Route and Waypoint Lists as text.