The sources for this package are in ( repo. Please file issues and pull requests against this repo.
node install
npm install angular2-image-popup
bower install
bower install image-popup
###1.In index.html page include following css
###2.component file use like below
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
import {ImageModal} from '../directives/angular2-image-popup/image-modal-popup';
selector : 'my-app',
directives: [ImageModal],
template: `
you can directly access "ImageModel" directive for both listing thumbnails and popup images
<ImageModal [modalImages]="images"></ImageModal>
<h2> Example with thumbnail pointers </h2>
<p> you can list images in your file and then calling "ImageModel" directive to show images on popup only</p>
<div *ngFor="let img of images; let i= index">
<div class="float-left" *ngIf="i <= 2" >
<a class="more" *ngIf="i==2" (click)="OpenImageModel(img.img,images)"> +{{images.length - 3}} more </a>
<img class="list-img" src="{{img.thumb}}"(click)="OpenImageModel(img.img,images)" alt='Image' />
<div *ngIf="openModalWindow">
<ImageModal [modalImages]="images" [imagePointer] = "imagePointer" (cancelEvent) ="cancelImageModel()"></ImageModal>
export class AppComponent {
images = [
{ thumb: './app/assets/images/gallery/thumbs/img1.jpg', img: './app/assets/images/gallery/img1.jpg', description: 'Image 1' },
{ thumb: './app/assets/images/gallery/thumbs/img2.jpg', img: './app/assets/images/gallery/img2.jpg', description: 'Image 2' },
{ thumb: './app/assets/images/gallery/thumbs/img3.jpg', img: './app/assets/images/gallery/img3.jpg', description: 'Image 3' },
{ thumb: './app/assets/images/gallery/thumbs/img4.jpg', img: './app/assets/images/gallery/img4.jpg', description: 'Image 4' },
{ thumb: './app/assets/images/gallery/thumbs/img5.jpg', img: './app/assets/images/gallery/img5.jpg', description: 'Image 5' }
constructor() {
OpenImageModel(imageSrc,images) {
var imageModalPointer;
for (var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
if (imageSrc === images[i].img) {
imageModalPointer = i;
this.openModalWindow = true;
this.images = images;
this.imagePointer = imageModalPointer;
cancelImageModel() {
this.openModalWindow = false;