Welcome to the TravelNest App! This web application provides users with a convenient platform to search for hotels and motels in various locations, visualize them on a map, and even add their own hotel listings. Below you'll find information on how to set up and use the app effectively.
Clone the Repository: Clone this repository to your local machine using git clone command
Install Dependencies: Run npm install to install all the necessary dependencies.
Environment Configuration: Create a .env file based on the provided .env.example and set up your environment variables accordingly.
Start the Application: npx nodemon app.js
Access the Application: Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080 to access the WanderLodge App.
Registration: New users can sign up for an account by providing their username , email address and creating a password.
Login: Existing users can log in using their username and password.
The search results will be displayed on an interactive map, providing users with a visual representation of hotel locations.
Hotel Submission: Hotel owners can add their own hotel listings to the platform by providing detailed information about the property, including location , pricing, and contact information.
- Frontend: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript
- Backend: Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB
- Authentication: Passport (Middleware)
- Mapping: MapBox
If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the TravelNest App, feel free to contact me at [email protected]