This repository was archived by the owner on Sep 12, 2022. It is now read-only.
Releases: vincelwt/harmony
Releases · vincelwt/harmony
- Ability to add/remove playlists
- Better app introduction than directly opening settings
- Save last played track and reload it
- Darker "dark" theme
- Improve startup time (various optimizations)
- Improve settings startup time
- Give infos on playlist when right-clicking them
- Switch store of settings to electron-store
- Use Nucleus to verify licenses
- Ability to open settings directly with developer tools
- Fix offline handling
- Fix pinning app to menubar
- Fix volume spiking mid-song when playing with YouTube
- Fix textbox not saving in settings
- Fix Deezer only 25 playlists showing
- Skip tracks on 404 (or other errors)
- Redesigned settings ⚙
- Use native context menus
- Plugins are now NPM modules 📦
- More powerful API for plugins
- YouTube plays the video so to follow TOS
- Simpler and more reliant YouTube algorithm
- Smarter library refreshing 🔄
- More complete menu-bar menu for Mac OS
- Preload next track to play it faster 💨
- New theme: darker 👻
- Better volume slider
- Better offline/online detection
- Better playing playlist icon
- More small improvements
- Fix Spotify bug asking to install YouTube's plugin
- Fix Reddit upvotes fetching
- Fix SoundCloud not getting all likes
- Fix can't resize sidebar after scrolling
- Fix unrecognized license when spaces
- Fix reset not restarting app
- Fix cursors pointers in inappropriate places
- Fix bug when some covers are 404
- Fix create station for Play Music
- More small fixes
- YouTube: support for playlists & unlimited liked tracks
- Cleaner CSS selectors for making themes
- Remove an useless request to GitHub
- Better default subreddits for Reddit
- Better update alert
- Add warning for breaking ToS plugins
- Fix double click on empty playlists
- Fix CSS for centered full screen messages
- Coverview!
- Reddit & YouTube plugins
- Arc & Vibrancy themes
- Ability to install third-parties plugins
- Ability to change current playlist when minimized
- Ability to make operations on playing track
- context menu item for finding similar tracks
- Redesigned search
- Smarter filtering algorithm
- Ability to pin app to menubar on Mac OS
- Basic Touchbar support
- Press ? to see the list of available shortcuts
- Cmd+R to refresh library
- Remove tray icons
- Ability to filter by Artist/Track/Time both ways
- Show current playing time instead of remaining time
- Ability to change tray without restarting app
- Ability for plugins to have their own settings
- Improved YouTube song matching
- More small improvements
- Fix Deezer playlists with more than 25 tracks
- Fix Tray icon sizes
- Fix arrow scrolling
- Fix q shortcut
- Fix Cmd+Q to quit
- Fix login issue to Google Play Music
- Fix unauthentificated requests with Spotify
- Fix liking local tracks
- Fix double clicking on header to maximize (Mac OS)
- More small fixes
- Theme engine!
- Use a proper DB to store library: not in RAM anymore
- Show playing track's title in tray menu
- Ability to select multiple tracks
- Ability to add/remove tracks to/from playlists
- Shortcuts: Ctrl/Cmd+k to hide sidebar, Ctrl/Cmd+A to select all
- Show a loading spinner during network ops in settings
- Increment track count on Google Play Music
- Ability to choose YouTube playback quality
- Remove color from menu items
- Set volume indicator to red when muted
- Ability to disable update checks
- Better track buffering
- Better arrow scrolling
- Less annoying license popup
- Speed & stability improvements
- Upgrade Electron
- Ability to create non-services plugins
- Simpler code & easier plugin creation
- Other small changes
- Fix Google Play Music playing track from YouTube at first
- Fix Google Play Music liking/unliking tracks
- Fix Spotify Operations before loading library
- OSX: Fix Tray icon too big
- OSX: Fix window fully draggable, making app hard to use
- OSX: Fix dark theme not fully applying to header
- Fix clicking on not-yet loaded playlist
- Fix View artist/album view
- Other small fixes
- Mac OS: Cmd+W & Cmd+H shortcuts
- Better cross-platform media keys support
- Disable white sidebar on Windows
- Non-expiring tokens for SoundCloud, faster requests
- Spotify: support track numbers for album sorting
- Silent notifications on Windows
- Fix MPRIS integration
- Google Play Music: fix library larger than 1000 tracks
- Google Play Music: Fix 'view album' and 'view artist'
- Deezer: fix liking tracks
- Other small fixes