Turtlesim is a cute 2d simulated turtle famous for being used in ROS tutorials.
Playful is a software for robotic bevahior design.
This repo shows the control of a turtlesim via Playful, for educational purposes.
ROS and turtlesim must be installed. Any version.
pip install funcsigs
pip install playful
- start ROS core
- in another terminal, start turtlesim
rosrun turtlesim turtlesim_node
- in another terminal, clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/vincentberenz/playful_turtlesim.git
- start playful
cd playful_turtlesim
playful execute
(press 'q' to exit)
You should see your turtle chasing any other turtles going close to its home (a virtual point a the bottom of the simulated area).
- The playful script that is playful_turtlesim/play/program.py
- This script orchestrate the python code that is in playful_turtlesim/py/turtlesim_play.py
playful-support .a.t. tuebingen.mpg.de
Vincent Berenz, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems