This is a tutorial for Playful. Playful is an interpreter for reactive programming. It can be used as a behavior orchestration software for robotics. Playful is a thin layer that can be placed on top over any Python robotic API, including ROS and NaoQi.
Playful can be installed with pip:
pip install funcsigs
pip install playful
The source can be found on github: playful github
Is Playful for you ? To get an overview of Playful, visit: overview
- Support : playful-support tuebingen mpg de
To get to Playful tutorials instructions and to documentation, visit: wiki
Related scientific paper: The Playful Software Platform: Reactive Programming for Orchestrating Robotic Behavior
These have been programmed using playful:
Playful has been developed at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Tuebingen, Germany