All of the functionality in this library is compatible with React 15 and 16 EXCEPT for the arrowdown focus functionality on SelectInputs. Your project must use React 16 if you want fully accessible SelectInputs, due to the internal changes surrounding setState.
It's suggested to use this package to manage your form state and validation, and use the Bloom Inputs package for accessible, stylable inputs.
- Standardized form value updates, regardless of input type.
- Integrates seamlessly with bloom-starter.
- All form actions available through redux.
- Fully customizable validation. Works through form.jsx and independently.
- Tracks any fields passed into
. Allows fully custom inputs without any special wrappers around each of them.
- Built-in state management
- Built-in error handling
- Built-in form population
- Built-in accessibility
- All field values and errors available through Redux
- Unopinionated about contents
- formActions.js
- formReducer.js
- Form (form wrapper)
To use this package, you can install with either npm or yarn.
npm install bloom-forms --save
yarn add bloom-forms
To import the files/components in this package, import like:
import { Form, formReducer } from 'bloom-forms';
Fork this repo, and submit any changes as a PR to master. Accepted PRs will be merged and published to npm.
- Every form needs two files: a container and a presentation component (with all the inputs inside it)
- The container should render the presentation component wrapped inside of the generic Form.jsx container. This wrapper handles all your state, updating redux, errors, etc.
- Example: A login form might look like this: (simplified -- make sure all your inputs have required props, etc.)
const LoginForm = (props) => {
return (
<form id='login-form'>
<TextInput name='username' value={ formData.username } />
<TextInput name='password' isPassword={ true } value={ formData.password.value } onBlur={ props.checkField } />
<Button text='submit' onClick={ props.submitForm } />
And its container would look like this:
class LoginFormContainer extends React.Component {
submitForm = (formData, files, successCallback, failCallback) => {
.then(res => {
.catch(err => {
render() {
let fieldNames = ['username', 'password']
return (
<Form id='login-form' fieldNames={ fieldNames } submitForm={ this.submitForm }>
<LoginForm />
- Note that the IDs match ('login-form'), and the fieldNames match the names of the TextInputs.
Now make sure that you've imported your formReducer
into your reducers file in redux, like:
import { formReducer } from 'bloom-forms'
export default combineReducers({
forms: formReducer