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Vineyard Backend API Template

Generating a Template using Yeoman

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine

  2. From the vineyard-server-template directory, run yarn to install dependencies

  3. From the vineyard-server-template directory, run yarn tsc to transpile TypeScript files

  4. Create a separate folder for your project (outside of this repository) and navigate to it on the Command Line

  5. If you don't have Yeoman installed, install it globally with npm install --global yo

  6. Run the following command to generate the template, adjusting the relative path to fit the location of your clone of the vineyard-server-template:

    yo ../vineyard-server-template/generators/app

  7. Answer the generator's questions to choose which features you would like in your project

  8. Run yarn setup to install dependencies and create config and gitignore files (or npm install && npm run copyConfigSample && npm run createGitignore)

  9. Make adjustments to the config/config.ts file to fit your project configuration

  10. Run yarn tsc to compile TypeScript files to JavaScript (or npm run tsc)

Scripts in package.json

For npm, replace yarn with npm run

yarn dev starts the server

yarn resetDb resets the database

yarn sampleData seeds the database with sample data

yarn tsc compiles typescript using the version bundled in the project

yarn setup installs dependencies and creates config and gitignore files

Root Directory Folders

  • /config: Contains configuration files for environment specific values.
  • /fixtures: Contains functions for generating random and stock data for server initialization and tests.
  • /scripts: Files to be run from cli with node. Includes start-api.js (starts servers), and possibly daemon startup scripts.
  • /src: The app files.
  • /test: Tests for various app components.

Src Organization

When the api is run, requests permeate through a number of layers in the app. Each layer has its own directory:

  • /src/endpoints: This directory contains json-schema defining the endpoints of the application and the code to embed those definitions into a working server. The interface ApiContract in generated/api-contract.ts indicates the methods which the coder must provide. The methods will be triggered when a request hits an endpoint, and will typically defer all heavy lifting to the next layer. See model.ts for three example methods implementing the ApiContract.

  • /src/logic: Logic files do the heavy lifting of the application. A logic class shouldn't know anything about request specific technology or client-side code, as this is normalized by the request handlers. Their main role is to orchestrate the database and various other backing services and synthesize their results into aggregated results. Logic files should not know anything about what kind of thing calls them -- be it a request handler (and hence an http api call), a cron, or a script. The file logic.ts declares all app logics as well as their initialization, while pizza-logic.ts is one such logic.

  • /src/model: This directory contains the code for interacting with the psql database. This includes schema.json (defines the database tables and relationships), and model-types.ts (defines the types corresponding to database entries), and model.ts which defines and creates the vineyard-ground collections for interacting with the db.

  • /src/backing-services: This is where code to interact with external resources (see should live. These resources include custom wrappers around external apis, additional databases, and cryptocurrency nodes. Logic files will call these backing service objects and aggregate their results. As with logic and model, the backing-services.ts file declares and creates all backing-services in the app.

All of these logics, backing-services, db table collections, and endpoints are created and integrated in village.ts. The Village interface...

   export interface Village {
     config: FullConfig
     backingServices: BackingServices
     model: Model
     logic: Logic
     apiContract: ApiContract

... contains every piece of the fully built application. Typically villages are constructed from config, to the backingServices and model, to logic, to apiContract.


Template web server






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