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547 lines (409 loc) · 33.4 KB

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547 lines (409 loc) · 33.4 KB


All URIs are relative to

Method HTTP request Description
createPermissionGrant POST /rest/api/3/permissionscheme/{schemeId}/permission Create permission grant
createPermissionScheme POST /rest/api/3/permissionscheme Create permission scheme
deletePermissionScheme DELETE /rest/api/3/permissionscheme/{schemeId} Delete permission scheme
deletePermissionSchemeEntity DELETE /rest/api/3/permissionscheme/{schemeId}/permission/{permissionId} Delete permission scheme grant
getAllPermissionSchemes GET /rest/api/3/permissionscheme Get all permission schemes
getPermissionScheme GET /rest/api/3/permissionscheme/{schemeId} Get permission scheme
getPermissionSchemeGrant GET /rest/api/3/permissionscheme/{schemeId}/permission/{permissionId} Get permission scheme grant
getPermissionSchemeGrants GET /rest/api/3/permissionscheme/{schemeId}/permission Get permission scheme grants
updatePermissionScheme PUT /rest/api/3/permissionscheme/{schemeId} Update permission scheme


PermissionGrant createPermissionGrant(body, schemeId, expand)

Create permission grant

Creates a permission grant in a permission scheme. Permissions required: Administer Jira global permission.


// Import classes:

ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
HttpBasicAuth basicAuth = (HttpBasicAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("basicAuth");
basicAuth.setUsername("YOUR USERNAME");
basicAuth.setPassword("YOUR PASSWORD");

PermissionSchemesApi apiInstance = new PermissionSchemesApi();
PermissionGrant body = new PermissionGrant(); // PermissionGrant | The permission grant to create.
Long schemeId = 789L; // Long | The ID of the permission scheme in which to create a new permission grant.
String expand = "expand_example"; // String | Use expand to include additional information in the response. This parameter accepts a comma-separated list. Note that permissions are always included when you specify any value. Expand options include:   *  `permissions` Returns all permission grants for each permission scheme.  *  `user` Returns information about the user who is granted the permission.  *  `group` Returns information about the group that is granted the permission.  *  `projectRole` Returns information about the project role granted the permission.  *  `field` Returns information about the custom field granted the permission.  *  `all` Returns all expandable information.
try {
    PermissionGrant result = apiInstance.createPermissionGrant(body, schemeId, expand);
} catch (ApiException e) {
    System.err.println("Exception when calling PermissionSchemesApi#createPermissionGrant");


Name Type Description Notes
body PermissionGrant The permission grant to create.
schemeId Long The ID of the permission scheme in which to create a new permission grant.
expand String Use expand to include additional information in the response. This parameter accepts a comma-separated list. Note that permissions are always included when you specify any value. Expand options include: * `permissions` Returns all permission grants for each permission scheme. * `user` Returns information about the user who is granted the permission. * `group` Returns information about the group that is granted the permission. * `projectRole` Returns information about the project role granted the permission. * `field` Returns information about the custom field granted the permission. * `all` Returns all expandable information. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json


PermissionScheme createPermissionScheme(body, expand)

Create permission scheme

Creates a new permission scheme. You can create a permission scheme with or without defining a set of permission grants. Permissions required: Administer Jira global permission.


// Import classes:

ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
HttpBasicAuth basicAuth = (HttpBasicAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("basicAuth");
basicAuth.setUsername("YOUR USERNAME");
basicAuth.setPassword("YOUR PASSWORD");

PermissionSchemesApi apiInstance = new PermissionSchemesApi();
Map<String, Object> body = new Map(); // Map<String, Object> | The permission scheme to create.
String expand = "expand_example"; // String | Use expand to include additional information in the response. This parameter accepts a comma-separated list. Note that permissions are always included when you specify any value. Expand options include:   *  `all` Returns all expandable information.  *  `field` Returns information about the custom field granted the permission.  *  `group` Returns information about the group that is granted the permission.  *  `permissions` Returns all permission grants for each permission scheme.  *  `projectRole` Returns information about the project role granted the permission.  *  `user` Returns information about the user who is granted the permission.
try {
    PermissionScheme result = apiInstance.createPermissionScheme(body, expand);
} catch (ApiException e) {
    System.err.println("Exception when calling PermissionSchemesApi#createPermissionScheme");


Name Type Description Notes
body Map<String, Object> The permission scheme to create.
expand String Use expand to include additional information in the response. This parameter accepts a comma-separated list. Note that permissions are always included when you specify any value. Expand options include: * `all` Returns all expandable information. * `field` Returns information about the custom field granted the permission. * `group` Returns information about the group that is granted the permission. * `permissions` Returns all permission grants for each permission scheme. * `projectRole` Returns information about the project role granted the permission. * `user` Returns information about the user who is granted the permission. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json



Delete permission scheme

Deletes a permission scheme. Permissions required: Administer Jira global permission.


// Import classes:

ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
HttpBasicAuth basicAuth = (HttpBasicAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("basicAuth");
basicAuth.setUsername("YOUR USERNAME");
basicAuth.setPassword("YOUR PASSWORD");

PermissionSchemesApi apiInstance = new PermissionSchemesApi();
Long schemeId = 789L; // Long | The ID of the permission scheme being deleted.
try {
} catch (ApiException e) {
    System.err.println("Exception when calling PermissionSchemesApi#deletePermissionScheme");


Name Type Description Notes
schemeId Long The ID of the permission scheme being deleted.

Return type

null (empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: Not defined


deletePermissionSchemeEntity(schemeId, permissionId)

Delete permission scheme grant

Deletes a permission grant from a permission scheme. See About permission schemes and grants for more details. Permissions required: Administer Jira global permission.


// Import classes:

ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
HttpBasicAuth basicAuth = (HttpBasicAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("basicAuth");
basicAuth.setUsername("YOUR USERNAME");
basicAuth.setPassword("YOUR PASSWORD");

PermissionSchemesApi apiInstance = new PermissionSchemesApi();
Long schemeId = 789L; // Long | The ID of the permission scheme to delete the permission grant from.
Long permissionId = 789L; // Long | The ID of the permission grant to delete.
try {
    apiInstance.deletePermissionSchemeEntity(schemeId, permissionId);
} catch (ApiException e) {
    System.err.println("Exception when calling PermissionSchemesApi#deletePermissionSchemeEntity");


Name Type Description Notes
schemeId Long The ID of the permission scheme to delete the permission grant from.
permissionId Long The ID of the permission grant to delete.

Return type

null (empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: Not defined


PermissionSchemes getAllPermissionSchemes(expand)

Get all permission schemes

Returns all permission schemes. ### About permission schemes and grants ### A permission scheme is a collection of permission grants. A permission grant consists of a `holder` and a `permission`. #### Holder object #### The `holder` object contains information about the user or group being granted the permission. For example, the Administer projects permission is granted to a group named Teams in space administrators. In this case, the type is `&quot;type&quot;: &quot;group&quot;`, and the parameter is the group name, `&quot;parameter&quot;: &quot;Teams in space administrators&quot;`. The `holder` object is defined by the following properties: * `type` Identifies the user or group (see the list of types below). * `parameter` The value of this property depends on the `type`. For example, if the `type` is a group, then you need to specify the group name. The following `types` are available. The expected values for the `parameter` are given in parenthesis (some `types` may not have a `parameter`): * `anyone` Grant for anonymous users. * `applicationRole` Grant for users with access to the specified application (application name). See Update product access settings for more information. * `assignee` Grant for the user currently assigned to an issue. * `group` Grant for the specified group (group name). * `groupCustomField` Grant for a user in the group selected in the specified custom field (custom field ID). * `projectLead` Grant for a project lead. * `projectRole` Grant for the specified project role (project role ID). * `reporter` Grant for the user who reported the issue. * `sd.customer.portal.only` Jira Service Desk only. Grants customers permission to access the customer portal but not Jira. See Customizing Jira Service Desk permissions for more information. * `user` Grant for the specified user (user ID - historically this was the userkey but that is deprecated and the account ID should be used). * `userCustomField` Grant for a user selected in the specified custom field (custom field ID). #### Built-in permissions #### The built-in Jira permissions are listed below. Apps can also define custom permissions. See the project permission and global permission module documentation for more information. Project permissions * `ADMINISTER_PROJECTS` * `BROWSE_PROJECTS` * `MANAGE_SPRINTS_PERMISSION` (Jira Software only) * `SERVICEDESK_AGENT` (Jira Service Desk only) * `VIEW_DEV_TOOLS` (Jira Software only) * `VIEW_READONLY_WORKFLOW` Issue permissions * `ASSIGNABLE_USER` * `ASSIGN_ISSUES` * `CLOSE_ISSUES` * `CREATE_ISSUES` * `DELETE_ISSUES` * `EDIT_ISSUES` * `LINK_ISSUES` * `MODIFY_REPORTER` * `MOVE_ISSUES` * `RESOLVE_ISSUES` * `SCHEDULE_ISSUES` * `SET_ISSUE_SECURITY` * `TRANSITION_ISSUES` Voters and watchers permissions * `MANAGE_WATCHERS` * `VIEW_VOTERS_AND_WATCHERS` Comments permissions * `ADD_COMMENTS` * `DELETE_ALL_COMMENTS` * `DELETE_OWN_COMMENTS` * `EDIT_ALL_COMMENTS` * `EDIT_OWN_COMMENTS` Attachments permissions * `CREATE_ATTACHMENTS` * `DELETE_ALL_ATTACHMENTS` * `DELETE_OWN_ATTACHMENTS` Time tracking permissions * `DELETE_ALL_WORKLOGS` * `DELETE_OWN_WORKLOGS` * `EDIT_ALL_WORKLOGS` * `EDIT_OWN_WORKLOGS` * `WORK_ON_ISSUES` Permissions required: Permission to access Jira.


// Import classes:

ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
HttpBasicAuth basicAuth = (HttpBasicAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("basicAuth");
basicAuth.setUsername("YOUR USERNAME");
basicAuth.setPassword("YOUR PASSWORD");

PermissionSchemesApi apiInstance = new PermissionSchemesApi();
String expand = "expand_example"; // String | Use expand to include additional information in the response. This parameter accepts a comma-separated list. Note that permissions are included when you specify any value. Expand options include:   *  `all` Returns all expandable information.  *  `field` Returns information about the custom field granted the permission.  *  `group` Returns information about the group that is granted the permission.  *  `permissions` Returns all permission grants for each permission scheme.  *  `projectRole` Returns information about the project role granted the permission.  *  `user` Returns information about the user who is granted the permission.
try {
    PermissionSchemes result = apiInstance.getAllPermissionSchemes(expand);
} catch (ApiException e) {
    System.err.println("Exception when calling PermissionSchemesApi#getAllPermissionSchemes");


Name Type Description Notes
expand String Use expand to include additional information in the response. This parameter accepts a comma-separated list. Note that permissions are included when you specify any value. Expand options include: * `all` Returns all expandable information. * `field` Returns information about the custom field granted the permission. * `group` Returns information about the group that is granted the permission. * `permissions` Returns all permission grants for each permission scheme. * `projectRole` Returns information about the project role granted the permission. * `user` Returns information about the user who is granted the permission. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json


PermissionScheme getPermissionScheme(schemeId, expand)

Get permission scheme

Returns a permission scheme. Permissions required: Permission to access Jira.


// Import classes:

ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
HttpBasicAuth basicAuth = (HttpBasicAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("basicAuth");
basicAuth.setUsername("YOUR USERNAME");
basicAuth.setPassword("YOUR PASSWORD");

PermissionSchemesApi apiInstance = new PermissionSchemesApi();
Long schemeId = 789L; // Long | The ID of the permission scheme to return.
String expand = "expand_example"; // String | Use expand to include additional information in the response. This parameter accepts a comma-separated list. Note that permissions are included when you specify any value. Expand options include:   *  `all` Returns all expandable information.  *  `field` Returns information about the custom field granted the permission.  *  `group` Returns information about the group that is granted the permission.  *  `permissions` Returns all permission grants for each permission scheme.  *  `projectRole` Returns information about the project role granted the permission.  *  `user` Returns information about the user who is granted the permission.
try {
    PermissionScheme result = apiInstance.getPermissionScheme(schemeId, expand);
} catch (ApiException e) {
    System.err.println("Exception when calling PermissionSchemesApi#getPermissionScheme");


Name Type Description Notes
schemeId Long The ID of the permission scheme to return.
expand String Use expand to include additional information in the response. This parameter accepts a comma-separated list. Note that permissions are included when you specify any value. Expand options include: * `all` Returns all expandable information. * `field` Returns information about the custom field granted the permission. * `group` Returns information about the group that is granted the permission. * `permissions` Returns all permission grants for each permission scheme. * `projectRole` Returns information about the project role granted the permission. * `user` Returns information about the user who is granted the permission. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json


PermissionGrant getPermissionSchemeGrant(schemeId, permissionId, expand)

Get permission scheme grant

Returns a permission grant. Permissions required: Permission to access Jira.


// Import classes:

ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
HttpBasicAuth basicAuth = (HttpBasicAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("basicAuth");
basicAuth.setUsername("YOUR USERNAME");
basicAuth.setPassword("YOUR PASSWORD");

PermissionSchemesApi apiInstance = new PermissionSchemesApi();
Long schemeId = 789L; // Long | The ID of the permission scheme.
Long permissionId = 789L; // Long | The ID of the permission grant.
String expand = "expand_example"; // String | Use expand to include additional information in the response. This parameter accepts a comma-separated list. Note that permissions are always included when you specify any value. Expand options include:   *  `all` Returns all expandable information.  *  `field` Returns information about the custom field granted the permission.  *  `group` Returns information about the group that is granted the permission.  *  `permissions` Returns all permission grants for each permission scheme.  *  `projectRole` Returns information about the project role granted the permission.  *  `user` Returns information about the user who is granted the permission.
try {
    PermissionGrant result = apiInstance.getPermissionSchemeGrant(schemeId, permissionId, expand);
} catch (ApiException e) {
    System.err.println("Exception when calling PermissionSchemesApi#getPermissionSchemeGrant");


Name Type Description Notes
schemeId Long The ID of the permission scheme.
permissionId Long The ID of the permission grant.
expand String Use expand to include additional information in the response. This parameter accepts a comma-separated list. Note that permissions are always included when you specify any value. Expand options include: * `all` Returns all expandable information. * `field` Returns information about the custom field granted the permission. * `group` Returns information about the group that is granted the permission. * `permissions` Returns all permission grants for each permission scheme. * `projectRole` Returns information about the project role granted the permission. * `user` Returns information about the user who is granted the permission. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json


PermissionGrants getPermissionSchemeGrants(schemeId, expand)

Get permission scheme grants

Returns all permission grants for a permission scheme. Permissions required: Permission to access Jira.


// Import classes:

ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
HttpBasicAuth basicAuth = (HttpBasicAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("basicAuth");
basicAuth.setUsername("YOUR USERNAME");
basicAuth.setPassword("YOUR PASSWORD");

PermissionSchemesApi apiInstance = new PermissionSchemesApi();
Long schemeId = 789L; // Long | The ID of the permission scheme.
String expand = "expand_example"; // String | Use expand to include additional information in the response. This parameter accepts a comma-separated list. Note that permissions are always included when you specify any value. Expand options include:   *  `permissions` Returns all permission grants for each permission scheme.  *  `user` Returns information about the user who is granted the permission.  *  `group` Returns information about the group that is granted the permission.  *  `projectRole` Returns information about the project role granted the permission.  *  `field` Returns information about the custom field granted the permission.  *  `all` Returns all expandable information.
try {
    PermissionGrants result = apiInstance.getPermissionSchemeGrants(schemeId, expand);
} catch (ApiException e) {
    System.err.println("Exception when calling PermissionSchemesApi#getPermissionSchemeGrants");


Name Type Description Notes
schemeId Long The ID of the permission scheme.
expand String Use expand to include additional information in the response. This parameter accepts a comma-separated list. Note that permissions are always included when you specify any value. Expand options include: * `permissions` Returns all permission grants for each permission scheme. * `user` Returns information about the user who is granted the permission. * `group` Returns information about the group that is granted the permission. * `projectRole` Returns information about the project role granted the permission. * `field` Returns information about the custom field granted the permission. * `all` Returns all expandable information. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json


PermissionScheme updatePermissionScheme(body, schemeId, expand)

Update permission scheme

Updates a permission scheme. Below are some important things to note when using this resource: * If a permissions list is present in the request, then it is set in the permission scheme, overwriting all existing grants. * If you want to update only the name and description, then do not send a permissions list in the request. * Sending an empty list will remove all permission grants from the permission scheme. If you want to add or delete a permission grant instead of updating the whole list, see Create permission grant or Delete permission scheme entity. See About permission schemes and grants for more details. Permissions required: Administer Jira global permission.


// Import classes:

ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2
OAuth OAuth2 = (OAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("OAuth2");
OAuth2.setAccessToken("YOUR ACCESS TOKEN");
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
HttpBasicAuth basicAuth = (HttpBasicAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("basicAuth");
basicAuth.setUsername("YOUR USERNAME");
basicAuth.setPassword("YOUR PASSWORD");

PermissionSchemesApi apiInstance = new PermissionSchemesApi();
Map<String, Object> body = new Map(); // Map<String, Object> | 
Long schemeId = 789L; // Long | The ID of the permission scheme to update.
String expand = "expand_example"; // String | Use expand to include additional information in the response. This parameter accepts a comma-separated list. Note that permissions are always included when you specify any value. Expand options include:   *  `all` Returns all expandable information.  *  `field` Returns information about the custom field granted the permission.  *  `group` Returns information about the group that is granted the permission.  *  `permissions` Returns all permission grants for each permission scheme.  *  `projectRole` Returns information about the project role granted the permission.  *  `user` Returns information about the user who is granted the permission.
try {
    PermissionScheme result = apiInstance.updatePermissionScheme(body, schemeId, expand);
} catch (ApiException e) {
    System.err.println("Exception when calling PermissionSchemesApi#updatePermissionScheme");


Name Type Description Notes
body Map<String, Object>
schemeId Long The ID of the permission scheme to update.
expand String Use expand to include additional information in the response. This parameter accepts a comma-separated list. Note that permissions are always included when you specify any value. Expand options include: * `all` Returns all expandable information. * `field` Returns information about the custom field granted the permission. * `group` Returns information about the group that is granted the permission. * `permissions` Returns all permission grants for each permission scheme. * `projectRole` Returns information about the project role granted the permission. * `user` Returns information about the user who is granted the permission. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json