ENPM 661- Planning for Autonomous Robots (Spring 23)
Project 3, Phase 1: Implementation A* algorithm for a mobile Robot
Team Members:
Name: Vipul Patel UID: 119395547
Name: Poojan Desai UID: 119455760
GitHub Links: https://github.com/vipulp16/ENPM661-Project-3_Phase-1
Drive link to output sample video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19YLIAQdG4kA8U5P354tskMTcjYstq_fo/view?usp=sharing
Code: - Code consists of Generating an Obstacle space, Possibe Movement in 5 Directions ( +60, +30, 0, -30, -60 degree), Using A* Search Algorithm, Back Tracking to find shortest path and Visualizing the Tracked Path.
- The code has been delineated very clearly in the comments provided in the Code.
Dependencies: - python 3.11.0 (works for any python 3 version)
- Python running IDE. (I used Visual Sudio Code to program the Code and Execute the Code)
- Libraries to be install: numpy, time, math, cv2, sys, copy
Instructions to Run the Code:
To get the Output:
Open the program file named "a_star_vipul_poojan.py in any IDE.
Run the Program
In the Console, the program asks for:
Robot clearence space
Robot Radius
Robot Step Size (Enter integer between 1 to 10).
The x and y coordinates of Start and orientation of robot at start node(Angle should be a multiple of 30).
The x and y coordinates of Goal and orientation of robot at Goal node(Angle should be a multiple of 30).
Enter as prompted. Ex: Robot clearence space: 5, Robot Radius: 5 (As per requriement); Step size: 1; Start node(x and y): 50, 50; Initial orientation: 90; Goal node (x and y): 400, 20; Final orientation : 60. -
The Output Plot with planned Path should be Visible.
Understanding the Output Plot
- The Robot movable space is shown in Black Color
- The Pixels in Red are the Obstacles.
- The Pixels in Yellow is the Clearance Space.
- The explored path is marked by white color.
- The Planned Path is shown by Red Lines.
- The start node is shown in goal node is shown in green color
Libraries Used:
- numpy: Perform Operations on array
- math : Perform mathematical operations
- cv2 : Display the generated array as output
- sys : Exit the code with a error message
- copy : Copy the array
- time : Calculate the time taken to find the path