What's Changed
- Added support for Singularity by @sandepat in #474
- Custom properties vip:dot by @sandepat in #480
- Compatibility with moteurlite by @sandepat in #481
- adding boutiques support in api @axlbonnet in #490
- Examples by @axlbonnet in #485
Other changes and bug corrections
- add property myproxy.enabled by @ethaaalpha in #486
- update boutiques install on the grid by @axlbonnet in #495
- update job debug layout to see held jobs logs by @axlbonnet in #497
- add converterId to shanoir uri by @axlbonnet in #484
- correct wrapper template by @axlbonnet in #483
- admin can download everything by @axlbonnet in #476
- misc (#491, #493)
New Contributors
- @ethaaalpha made their first contribution in #486
- @ngeorges-cnrs made their first contribution in #493
Full Changelog: v2.6.1...v2.7
Packages available on : https://vip.creatis.insa-lyon.fr:9007/nexus/
War link : https://vip.creatis.insa-lyon.fr:9007/nexus/repository/releases/fr/insalyon/creatis/vip-portal/2.7/vip-portal-2.7.war