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A beautiful, lightweight, privately deployable ETCD V3 client that supports SSL, SSH Tunnel connections, and multi-account session management.
- The official client tool supports few functions and has poor online editing effect. This tool provides SSH tunnel, online code editing, version comparison, quick copy and other functions to make configuration center management more efficient!
- Most of the nice third-party tools need to be charged. 💔
- This tool is completely open source and free!
Access http://etcd.beifengtz.com
- account:test
- password:test
Note This test client is for display only. Please do not save real connection information in it. The saved information will be public to all people who log in to the test account. Demo will not retain or record all connection information, but to avoid leaking your connection information, please use the test ETCD address or use a private deployment experience.
First, make sure your local environment has JDK 11 or above, download the latest jar package from release and execute:
java -jar etcd-workbench.jar
Access http://localhost:8002
in browser.
The deployment configuration is very simple, requiring only one configuration file and very little configuration content.
# Configure the port the service will run on.
port = 8002
# Configure the timeout for executing instructions to ETCD server, in milliseconds.
etcdExecuteTimeoutMillis = 3000
# Configure data storage directory.
dataDir = ./data
# If Authentication is turned on, in order to ensure that user data is not easily cracked,
# configure the data signature key to encrypt and protect it. It must be 16 characters.
configEncryptKey = etcdWorkbench@*?
# If set to true, user must log in to use etcd workbench, and add the user field to configure the user.
# If set to false, all connection data can be used and shared by anyone!!!
enable = false
# If enabled authentication, add username and password with `user` field.
# Supports repeatedly adding multiple `user` fields.
user = username1:password1
user = username2:password2
# Base log level
level = INFO
# Customize the log level of the specified path.
levels = io.netty:INFO,io.grpc:INFO
# Configure log storage directory.
file = ./logs
# Configure log file name.
fileName = etcd-workbench
# Configure the log file rolling size. When this size is exceeded, a new file will be created to store the log.
# Unit MB
fileLimitSize = 10
# Support: `std` and `file`
printers = std,file
First, make sure that your local environment has the JDK 11+ version, download the latest jar package from release, and place the configuration file etcd-workbench.conf
in the same directory as the jar package to take effect. Execute startup:
java -jar etcd-workbench.jar
Access http://localhost:8002
in browser.
Docker hub repository address: https://hub.docker.com/r/tzfun/etcd-workbench
Pull the Docker image:
docker pull tzfun/etcd-workbench
Start container:
docker run \
--name my-etcd-workbench \
-p 8002:8002 \
-v ./etcd-workbench.conf:/usr/tzfun/etcd-workbench/etcd-workbench.conf \
-d \
The working directory of the image is in /usr/tzfun/etcd-workbench
, and its directory structure is as follows:
/usr/tzfun/etcd-workbench # tree
├── bin
├── data
├── logs
├── temp
├── etcd-workbench.conf
└── etcd-workbench.jar
This tool provides two themes: dark and light
Cluster manager