The ViSenze Discovery Suite provides your customers a better and more intuitive product search and discovery experience by helping them search, navigate and interact with products more easily. ViSenze latest Product Search & Recommendations API is included in this SDK. Please refer to online docs for more information.
Run command
flutter get visenze_productsearch_sdk
Before you can start using the SDK, you will need to set up the SDK keys. Most of these keys can be found in your account's dashboard.
First, take a look at the table below to understand what each key represents:
Key | Importance | Description |
app_key | Compulsory | All SDK functions depends on a valid app_key being set. The app key also limits the API features you can use. |
placement_id | Compulsory | Your placement id. |
timeout | Optional | Timeout for APIs in ms. Defaulted to 15000. |
uid | Optional | The customer user id. If not provided, this will be auto generated . |
To create a ProductSearch instance:
const psClient = await VisenzeProductSearch.create('APP_KEY', 'PLACEMENT_ID');
const psClient = await VisenzeProductSearch.create('APP_KEY', 'PLACEMENT_ID', uid: 'CUSTOMER_UID', timeout: TIMEOUT_IN_MS);
POST /product/search_by_image
Searching by Image can happen in three different ways - by url, id or File.
Using image id:
var params = { im_id: 'your-image-id' }; var response = await psClient.productSearchByImage(null, params);
Using image url:
var params = { im_url: 'your-image-url' }; var response = await psClient.productSearchByImage(null, params);
Using image from gallery:
var image = await psClient.uploadImage(); if (image != null) { var response = await psClient.productSearchByImage(image, params); }
Using image from camera capture:
var image = await psClient.captureImage(); if (image != null) { var response = await psClient.productSearchByImage(image, params); }
You can also pass your own image if it's in XFile format.
Please provide
values if you are accessing gallery/camera for image search for iOS devices.
The request parameters for search API can be found at ViSenze Documentation Hub.
By default, we limit the size of the image user upload to 512x512 pixels to balance search latency and search accuracy.
If your image contains fine details such as textile patterns and textures, you can set a larger limit.
psClient.widthLimit = 1024;
psClient.heightLimit = 1024;
To make efficient use the of the memory and network bandwidth of mobile device, the maximum size is set at 1024 x 1024. Any image exceeds the limit will be resized to the limit.
GET /product/recommendations/{product_id}
Search for visually similar products in the product database giving an indexed product’s unique identifier.
var productId = 'your-product-id';
// example paramters
var parameters = {
limit: 20 // limit results returned to 20 results
var response = await psClient.productSearchById(productId, parameters);
The request parameters for this API can be found at ViSenze Documentation Hub.
The Search API is able to detect the objects present in the query image and suggest the best matched product type to run the search on.
Use detection
or point
parameters to suggest the particular objects of interest in the query image. box
and point
parameters are not allowed to appear in the same request.
var params = { im_url: 'your-image-url', detection: 'Top' // only detect objects in the image with product_type `Top` detection_limit: 5 // only detect up to a maximum of 5 objects in the image }; var response = await psClient.productSearchByImage(null, params);
For more details, please refer to the Automatic Object Detection document at ViSenze Documentation Hub.
To filter search results based on product metadata, provide a map of metadata key-values in the filters or text_filters parameters.
Param | Filter query behaviour | Example |
filters | The filter queries are treated as exact match conditions. Applies to String, Integer and Float type fields. | filters=brand:my_brand means the brand (String) value of the search results must be strictly equal to “my_brand”. filters=price:10,199 means the price (Integer) value of the search results must be strictly within the range between 10 to 199 inclusive. |
text_filters | The filter queries are treated as partial match filters. Only applies to String type fields. | text_flters=brand:my_brand means the brand value of the search results can be any values containing “my_brand”, such as “my_brand >> sub brand”. |
- Example
var productId = 'your-product-id';
var parameters = {
filters: ['brand:my_brand', 'price:50:200'] // filter all products from my_brand AND price between 50-200 currency unit
var response = await psClient.productSearchById(productId, parameters);
For more filters syntax and rules, please refer to the filters section at ViSenze Documentation Hub
Facets are values to filters on from results list. You can get the facets by sending a list of fields to enable faceting on.
- Example
var productId = 'your-product-id';
var parameters = {
facets: 'gender, brand, price', // return possible filterable metadata fields for gender, brand, price,
facets_limit: 10 // return 10 values for each facet
var response = await psClient.productSearchById(productId, parameters);
For more details, please refer to Facets section at ViSenze Documentation Hub
To retrieve metadata from your API call, provide the list of product metadata keys to the attrs_to_get
(field list) property.
- Example
var productId = 'your-product-id';
var parameters = {
attrs_to_get: 'gender, price, brand' // return gender, price and brand metadata in the result
var response = await psClient.productSearchById(productId, parameters);
Only indexed attributes can be retrieved
Note that only the indexed attributes can be retrieved with this parameter. You may go the the Edit App page to review which attributes have been included in the app index.
This sdk use the http library for making API request. The response is a http Response.
The list of error codes can be found here. For response properties, please refer to the APIs docs.
var productId = 'your-product-id';
var response = await psClient.productSearchById(productId);
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
Map<String, dynamic> successResp = jsonDecode(response.body);
List<Map<String, dynamic>> results = successResp['result'];
// handle results here
} else {
// handle error here
To improve search performance and gain useful data insights, it is recommended to send user interactions (actions) with the visual search results.
Currently, we support the following event actions: product_click
, product_view
, add_to_cart
, and transaction
. However, the action parameter can be an arbitrary string if you want to send custom events.
Some events (for e.g. product_click
or product_view
) can require additional parameter like pid
(product id).
We will initialize the event tracker with a tracking ID generated from your app key and placement ID for you.
User action can be sent through an event handler. Register an event handler to the element in which the user will interact.
// send product click
psClient.sendEvent('product_click', {
queryId: '<search reqid>',
pid: '<your product id>',
pos: 1, // product position in Search Results, start from 1
// send product impression
psClient.sendEvent('product_view', {
queryId: '<search reqid>',
pid: '<your product id>',
pos: 1, // product position in Search Results, start from 1
// send Transaction event e.g order purchase of $300
psClient.sendEvent('transaction', {
queryId: "<search reqid>",
transId: "<your transaction ID>"
value: 300
// send Add to Cart Event
psClient.sendEvent('add_to_cart', {
queryId: '<search reqid>',
pid: '<your product id>',
pos: 1, // product position in Search Results, start from 1
// send custom event
psClient.sendEvent('favourite', {
queryId: '<search reqid>',
label: 'custom event label',
cat: 'visual_search'
// handle success or error
try {
psClient.sendEvent('product_click', {
queryId: '<search reqid>',
pid: '<your product id>',
pos: 1, // product position in Search Results, start from 1
onRequestSuccess(); // handle success
} catch (errResponse) {
onRequestError(errReponse); // handle error
Batch actions can be sent through a batch event handler.
A common use case for this batch event method is to group up all transaction by sending it in a batch. This SDK will automatically generate a transId to group transactions as an order.
queryId: '<search request ID>',
pid: '<product ID - 1> ',
value: 300,
}, {
queryId: '<search request ID>',
pid: '<product ID - 2> ',
value: 400
For list of all event parameter and their explanations, please refer to this doc
Below we list down the most basic parameters and how to retrieve them.
All events sent to Visenze Analytics server require the search query ID (the reqid
) found in the search results response as part of the request parameter.
var productId = 'your-product-id';
var parameters = {
var response = await psClient.productSearchById(productId, parameters);
var responseBody = jsonDecode(response.body);
var queryId = responseBody['reqid']; // <- this is your search query Id
You can also directly get the query id of the last successful search request performed by your client.
var queryId = psClient.lastSuccessQueryId;
var sessionId = psClient.sessionId;
var userId = psClient.userId;