Visenze Analytics is a key part of your analytics solutions, allowing you to track key events and view the resulting analytics and performance data.
The ViSenze Tracking SDK is an open source software for easy integration of ViSearch Tracking API with your flutter application. For source code and references, visit the GitHub repository.
Run this command
flutter pub add visenze_tracking_sdk
import 'package:visenze_tracking_sdk/visenze_tracker.dart';
Future<void> init() async {
var tracker = await VisenzeTracker.create('MY_APP_KEY:MY_PLACEMENT_ID');
The uid (user identifier) drives features like a/b testing and personalization. By default, we generate an uid based on the user's browser/device information. However, for improved data synchronization with your internal records, you can set your own uid. By incorporating your own uid, you enhance data integration and alignment with your systems. This flexibility enables seamless tracking and analysis, maximizing the benefits of our platform within your existing infrastructure.
To set your own UID, use this code:
tracker.userId = 'MY_UID';
You also have the option to retrieve the automatically generated user id and session id. To obtain the user id and session id, you can use the following code:
String uid = tracker.userId;
String sid = tracker.sessionId;
All events sent to Visenze Analytics server require the search query ID (the reqid) found in the search results response as part of the request parameter.
Some events (for e.g. product_click
or product_view
) can require additional parameter like pid
(product id).
User action can be sent through an event handler. Register an event handler to the element in which the user will interact.
// send product click
tracker.sendEvent('product_click', {
'queryId': '<search reqid>',
'pid': '<your product id>', // necessary for product_click event
'pos': 1, // product position in Search Results, start from 1
// send product impression
tracker.sendEvent('product_view', {
'queryId': '<search reqid>',
'pid': '<your product id>', // necessary for product_view event
'pos': 1, // product position in Search Results, start from 1
// send Transaction event e.g order purchase of $300
tracker.sendEvent('transaction', {
'queryId': "<search reqid>",
'transId': "<your transaction ID>"
'value': 300
// send Add to Cart Event
tracker.sendEvent('add_to_cart', {
'queryId': '<search reqid>',
'pid': '<your product id>',
'pos': 1, // product position in Search Results, start from 1
// send custom event
tracker.sendEvent('favourite', {
'queryId': '<search reqid>',
'pid': 'custom event label',
'cat': '<product category>'
// handle success or error
try {
await tracker.sendEvent('product_view', {
'queryId': '1234',
'pid': 'Product Id',
'pos': 1
onRequestSuccess() // handle success case
} catch (errResponse) {
onRequestError(errResponse) // handle error case
Batch actions can be sent through a batch event handler.
A common use case for this batch event method is to group up all transaction by sending it in a batch. This SDK will automatically generate a transId to group transactions as an order.
const transactions = [
{'queryId': '1234', 'pid': 'Pid 1', 'value': 50},
{'queryId': '1234', 'pid': 'Pid 2', 'value': 100}
tracker.sendEvents('transactions', transactions);
For the detailed list of event parameters, please refer to this doc.