Angular data grid. (this is not a library you can simply copy paste and change it according to your needs)
You can access the source of datagrid from here.
[data]="source$ | async"
Attribute | required | information | type |
[headerInfo] | true | defines column info. | headerObject[] |
[data] | true | data source to render. | any[] |
[filterDropdownData] | false | data for any dropdown filters in grid filters maps to data key in filter object | {[key: string]: any[]} |
(handleChange) | true | any change made in the grid | function |
[totalCount] | false | total data count | number |
[loading] | false | loading indicator | boolean |
[actionButtons] | false | action button array | actionButtonType[] |
[checkbox] | true | disable/enable checkbox in grid | boolean |
[bulkAction] | false | bulkactions in grid | string[] |
(bulkActionClick) | false | handle bulkaction click | function |
all types are importable from data grid types.
readonly header: headerObject[] = [
title: 'Username',
name: 'name',
visible: true,
isSortable: true,
filter: {
type: 'text',
field: 'name',
bindValue: 'name',
title: 'Status',
name: 'isActive', //bind value from object
isSortable: true,
formatter: this.statusFormatter //should return string or number
dataClass: this.deriveDataClass, //should return string
headerClass: this.deriveHeaderClass, //should return string
visible:, //should return boolean
filter: {
type: 'select',
bindValue: 'value',
bindLabel: 'label',
dataKey: 'status',
placeholder: 'status',
filterDropdownData = { status: [{
value: 1,
label: 'Active'
value: 0,
label: 'InActive'
}] };
statusFormatter(item) {
if (item.isActive) {
return 'Active';
return 'In Active';
current grid state will be passed in the parameter of bulkactionclick.
let obj = {
action: "Delete",
excluded: [], //when selectAll is true check this array
filters: {page: 1, limit: 10, firstChange: false, latestChange: 'page'}, //current filters
included: [647, 648], //when selectAll is false check this array
selectAll: false
Any changes or suggestions are welcome. Please discuss the changes before hand.
Please make sure to use types where applicable to avoid wring config.