This is a simple scheduler software for the MPIfR MeerKAT S-BAND Survey.
- Observations start with a flux calibrator, followed by a polarisation calibrator.
- This is followed by a cycle of target and phase calibrator visits. How many targets observed before a phase calibrator is scheduled is a tunable parameter (PHASE_CALIBRATOR_CYCLE_LENGTH) in the configuration file.
- We end the observation with another visit of the polarisation and flux calibrator.
- Targets are scheduled with the constraint that their elevation at MeerKAT needs to be between 20 - 50 deg.
- Calibrators are scheduled with the constraint that their elevation at MeerKAT needs to be between 20 - 90 deg.
- Edit the config file 'sband_schedule.cfg'.
- Update the LST time and UTC date when you want to start observing plus the total session length in hours.
- Then run the code
Dependencies: Pandas, astropy, pytz, numpy