1- wget -O nym_upgrade.sh https://api.nodes.guru/nym_upgrade.sh && chmod +x nym_upgrade.sh && ./nym_upgrade.sh
2- go to wallet https://testnet-milhon-wallet.nymtech.net/ create new wallet or use old one
3- nym-mixnode sign --id nodei --text "@telegramid Punkaddsess" (İf you don't know your id use this code systemctl status nym-mixnode | grep id )
4- after that code you will see transfer address copy and paste this bot https://t.me/nympunkbot
5- https://testnet-milhon-wallet.nymtech.net/ back your wallet and in console past this code: journalctl -u nym-mixnode -o cat | grep Version: -B 6 you will see your bond codes paste it in your wallet to bond section and bond it
6- journalctl -u nym-mixnode -o cat | grep "Since startup mixed" | tail -1
After 2 minutes check if it start to mix