- Clone repository.
- Create multiple centos8 servers. One master and many worker. Use vagrant like here
- assign the hostname and ip's on the newly booted centos servers
- Change the “ad_addr” in the env_variables file with the IP address of the Kubernetes master node.
- Run the following command to setup the Kubernetes Master node.
ansible-playbook setup_master_node.yml --extra-vars "ansible_sudo_pass=admin"
- Once the master node is ready, ansible script will automatically set up the worker nodes.
- Once the workers have joined the cluster, run the following command to check the status of the worker nodes.
- run below command from master node
kubectl get nodes
- The IP addresses of the workers and masters added to the /etc/hosts file on all workers and masters as part of the prerequisites.yml playbook, if necessary or in case of DNS issues make sure the addresses have been added to /etc/hosts file.
used https://github.com/ctienshi/kubernetes-ansible as a base and added some customization