JTAG Boundary scanner v2.18
First public release.
- Windows version GUI.
Main features
BSDL files support.
Target IOs sampling and control mode ( SAMPLE & EXTEST ).
I2C Bus over JTAG emulation.
SPI Bus over JTAG emulation.
MDIO Bus over JTAG emulation.
Parallel port bus over JTAG emulation.
JTAG Bus scan and devices auto-detection.
BSDL files auto-load.
script support.
socket interface for remote control.
Probes support
FTDI FT2232H based JTAG probes support (Olimex, Xilinx...).
JLINK JTAG probes support.
Parallel port based JTAG probes support (Altera ByteBlaster, Memec IJC-4, Macgraigor Wiggler).