This is a playbook repo. It's purpose is to keep the way we deploy VIVIDUS documentation and UI customizations. We use
- Antora as a static site generator
- Asciidoctor as a documentation format and text processor
- Lunr as an offline search engine.
- Install Node.js
- Install Antora and Antora Lunr Extension
npm i -g @antora/[email protected] @antora/[email protected] @antora/[email protected]
- Install and configure an Asciidoctor.js extension that adds a tabs block to the AsciiDoc syntax.
npm i @asciidoctor/[email protected] ln -s "$(pwd)/node_modules/@asciidoctor/tabs/dist/js/tabs.js" supplemental-ui/js/vendor/tabs.js ln -s "$(pwd)/node_modules/@asciidoctor/tabs/dist/css/tabs.css" supplemental-ui/css/vendor/tabs.css
- Generate a site
antora antora-playbook-local.yml
IMPORTANT: the cloned
repository should be placed by default in the same folder as vividus
repository (this behavior could be changed in the playbook).
npm i -g @antora/[email protected] @antora/[email protected] @antora/[email protected] && \
git clone && \
git clone && \
cd && \
npm i @asciidoctor/[email protected] && \
ln -s "$(pwd)/node_modules/@asciidoctor/tabs/dist/js/tabs.js" supplemental-ui/js/vendor/tabs.js && \
ln -s "$(pwd)/node_modules/@asciidoctor/tabs/dist/css/tabs.css" supplemental-ui/css/vendor/tabs.css && \
antora antora-playbook-local.yml && \
open ./public/index.html
- Install Asciidoctor PDF
gem install asciidoctor-pdf
- Install the Antora PDF Extension
npm i -g @antora/pdf-extension
- Generate a PDF document
antora --extension @antora/pdf-extension antora-playbook-local.yml