== Linear-Lexicographic Termination Checking For Functional Programs ==
This repository implements a linear--lexicographic termination checking algorithm for functional programs.
-- Building --
To build this code, run
cabal build
This code is known to build correctly with ghc 9..6.2 and cabal
-- Running --
To run this code, run
cabal run term-check -- <command> <file to termination check>
There are two commands of interest: makematrix
which generates the primitive measures and prints the termination matrix, and solve
(or the alias programcheck
) which attempts to solve the matrix.
-- Examples --
The expected output for ackermann.fun
> cabal run term-check -- makematrix examples/ackermann.fun
== Fun: ack ==
m0: fix (MSumR <| MRoll) <| (MPairL)
m1: fix (MSumR <| MRoll) <| (MPairR)
m2: MRLtL <| MRoll <| MPairR
[[-1.0, 0.0, -1.0], [ω, -1.0, 1.0], [ω, ω, -1.0]]
> cabal run term-check -- solve examples/ackermann.fun
== Fun: ack ==
Found termination measure:
[1*m0, 1*m1]
The expected output for sparse_list.fun
> cabal run term-check -- makematrix examples/sparse_list.fun
== Fun: toList ==
m0: fix (MSumR <| MRoll) <| (MPairL <| MPairR <| MSumR <| MRoll)
m1: fix (MPairR <| MPairR <| MSumR <| MRoll)
[[-1.0, ω], [0.0, -1.0]]
> cabal run term-check -- solve examples/sparse_list.fun
== Fun: toList ==
Found termination measure:
[1*m1, 1*m0]