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Run Workflows Weekly #58

Run Workflows Weekly

Run Workflows Weekly #58

name: Run Workflows Weekly
# The purpose of this CI file is to stress test our workflows at scale.
# The *_weekly.wic workflows scatter over a much larger number of examples.
# Note that toil-cwl-runner is slightly slower than cwltool, but
# there are deadlocking problems with `cwltool --parallel`
# push: # Do NOT run weekly workflows on every push!
# pull_request: (either on origin or on upstream pull request)
# Instead, run it every Tuesday at midnight.
- cron: '0 0 * * 2'
shell: bash -l {0} # Invoke bash in login mode, NOT interactive mode.
# This will cause bash to look for the startup file ~/.bash_profile, NOT ~/.bashrc
# This is important since conda init writes to ~/.bashrc
actions: read
contents: read
pull-requests: read
# See
# This will prevent DOS attacks from people blasting the CI with rapid fire commits.
group: ${{ github.workflow }}-weekly-toil-${{ github.ref }}
cancel-in-progress: true
runs-on: [self-hosted, linux]
- name: Checkout sophios
uses: actions/checkout@v3
repository: ${{ github.repository_owner }}/sophios
ref: master
path: sophios
- name: Checkout biobb_adapters
if: always()
uses: actions/checkout@v3
repository: vjaganat90/biobb_adapters
ref: master
path: biobb_adapters
- name: Checkout mm-workflows
if: always()
uses: actions/checkout@v3
repository: ${{ github.repository_owner }}/mm-workflows
ref: main
path: mm-workflows
- name: Checkout image-workflows
if: always()
uses: actions/checkout@v3
repository: ${{ github.repository_owner }}/image-workflows
ref: main
path: image-workflows
- name: Remove old global config
if: always()
run: rm -rf "/home/$(whoami)/wic/" && rm -rf "/home/$(whoami)/.toil/"
# For self-hosted runners, make sure we use new global config settings
- name: Remove old mamba environment
if: always()
run: rm -rf "/home/$(whoami)/miniconda3/envs/wic_github_actions/"
# For self-hosted runners, make sure we install into a new mamba environment
# Toil is currently incompatible with pypy
# - name: Append pypy to conda environment files
# if: runner.os != 'Windows'
# run: cd sophios/install/ && echo " - pypy" >> system_deps.yml
- name: Setup miniforge (linux, macos)
if: always()
uses: conda-incubator/[email protected]
miniforge-variant: Miniforge3 # NOT Miniforge-pypy3
# Toil is (currently) incompatible with pypy. Miniforge-pypy3
# installs pypy in the base environment (only). Although we are using
# another environment, better to avoid the problem altogether by
# not using Miniforge-pypy3
miniforge-version: 24.7.1-2
environment-file: sophios/install/system_deps.yml
activate-environment: wic_github_actions
use-mamba: true
channels: conda-forge
python-version: "3.9.*" # pypy is not yet compatible with 3.10 and 3.11
# - name: Docker pull
# if: always()
# run: cd mm-workflows/ && ./
# # For self-hosted runners, make sure the docker cache is up-to-date.
- name: Install Workflow Inference Compiler
if: always()
run: cd sophios/ && pip install ".[all_except_runner_src]"
- name: Install Molecular Modeling Workflows
if: always()
# Also run mm-workflows command to generate
# mm-workflows/autogenerated/schemas/config_schemas.json
# NOTE: Use ".[test]" instead of ".[all_except_runner_src]"
# We do not want or need to install the workflow_deps extra.
# (Many of the packages conflict with pypy.)
run: cd mm-workflows/ && pip install ".[test]" && mm-workflows --generate_schemas
- name: Generate Sophios Python API Workflows (*.py -> *.wic)
if: always()
run: cd sophios/ && python -c 'import sophios; import sophios.plugins; sophios.plugins.blindly_execute_python_workflows()'
- name: Generate Sophios Validation Jsonschema
if: always()
run: cd sophios/ && sophios --generate_schemas
# Please read docs/
# This is essentially an integration test for all of the
# Sophios Python API workflows as well as the WIC Python API itself.
- name: Validate Sophios Python API Workflows (*.py -> *.wic)
if: always()
run: cd sophios/ && python -c 'import sophios; import sophios.plugins; sophios.plugins.blindly_execute_python_workflows()'
- name: cwl-docker-extract (i.e. recursively docker pull)
if: always()
run: cd sophios/ && pytest -k test_cwl_docker_extract
# For self-hosted runners, make sure the docker cache is up-to-date.
- name: PyTest Run Workflows (On Push)
if: always()
# NOTE: Do NOT add coverage to PYPY CI runs
run: cd sophios/ && pytest -k test_run_workflows_on_push --workers 8 --cwl_runner toil-cwl-runner # --cov
- name: PyTest Run Inlined Workflows (On Push)
if: always()
# NOTE: Do NOT add coverage to PYPY CI runs
run: cd sophios/ && pytest -k test_run_inlined_workflows_on_push --workers 8 --cwl_runner toil-cwl-runner # --cov
- name: PyTest Run Workflows (Weekly)
if: always()
# NOTE: Do NOT add coverage to PYPY CI runs
run: cd sophios/ && pytest -k test_run_workflows_weekly --workers 8 --cwl_runner toil-cwl-runner # --cov
- name: PyTest Run Inlined Workflows (Weekly)
if: always()
# NOTE: Do NOT add coverage to PYPY CI runs
run: cd sophios/ && pytest -k test_run_inlined_workflows_weekly --workers 8 --cwl_runner toil-cwl-runner # --cov