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Don't copy output to outdir if not using cwltool - vjaganat90/sophios - fix_copy_outdir #546

Don't copy output to outdir if not using cwltool - vjaganat90/sophios - fix_copy_outdir

Don't copy output to outdir if not using cwltool - vjaganat90/sophios - fix_copy_outdir #546

Workflow file for this run

name: Lint And Test
# Have to declare parameters here for those that will be sent through 'workflow-dispatch'
# event in branch_dispatch.yml. Otherwise, there'll be github API errors:
# '"message": "Unexpected inputs provided: ...",'
description: An arbitrary string used to dispatch steps
required: true
type: string
description: The commit message
required: true
type: string
description: The repository which initiated the workflow dispatch
required: true
type: string
description: The account name of the repository initiated the workflow dispatch
required: true
type: string
description: The account name of the wic repository
required: true
type: string
description: The branch name within the wic repository
required: true
type: string
description: The account name of the mm-workflows repository
required: true
type: string
description: The branch name within the mm-workflows repository
required: true
type: string
description: The account name of the image-workflows repository
required: true
type: string
description: The branch name within the image-workflows repository
required: true
type: string
# See
# For workflow_dispatch, the commit message, repo, and branch name are not displayed by default.
run-name: "${{ inputs.commit_message}} - ${{ inputs.sender_repo }} - ${{ inputs.wic_ref }}"
shell: bash -l {0} # Invoke bash in login mode, NOT interactive mode.
# This will cause bash to look for the startup file ~/.bash_profile, NOT ~/.bashrc
# This is important since conda init writes to ~/.bashrc
# Rather than use a single job with a linear pipeline of steps, you may be
# tempted to make each step into a separate job and specify the dependencies
# using the `needs` syntax for more parallelism.
# However, data cannot be shared between jobs because each job will be run on a
# different runner. Even on a self-hosted runner, the `needs` syntax does not
# guarantee that the data can be shared!
# Using if: always() allows all steps to run, while still properly reporting failure.
# See
actions: read
contents: read
pull-requests: read
# See
# This will prevent DOS attacks from people blasting the CI with rapid fire commits.
group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ matrix.os }}-${{ github.ref }}-${{ inputs.sender_repo }}-${{}}
cancel-in-progress: true
fail-fast: false
# NOTE: Due to 10X minute multiplier, do NOT run on macos-latest on every push!
# Run on macos on a separate weekly schedule.
os: [ubuntu-latest, windows-latest]
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
- name: Checkout sophios
if: always()
uses: actions/checkout@v3
repository: ${{ inputs.wic_owner }}/sophios
ref: ${{ inputs.wic_ref }}
path: sophios
- name: Checkout biobb_adapters
if: always()
uses: actions/checkout@v3
# NOTE: temporarily hardcode sameeul & master because we can only
# have up to 10 input parameters for workflow_dispatch
repository: vjaganat90/biobb_adapters
ref: master
path: biobb_adapters
- name: Checkout mm-workflows
if: always()
uses: actions/checkout@v3
repository: ${{ }}/mm-workflows
ref: ${{ }}
path: mm-workflows
- name: Checkout image-workflows
if: always()
uses: actions/checkout@v3
repository: ${{ inputs.image-workflows_owner }}/image-workflows
ref: ${{ inputs.image-workflows_ref }}
path: image-workflows
# NOTE: pypy actually decreases performance for lint_and_test.yml (by a factor of ~2)
# - name: Append pypy to conda environment files
# if: runner.os != 'Windows'
# run: cd sophios/install/ && echo " - pypy" >> system_deps.yml
# - name: Append pypy to conda environment files
# if: runner.os == 'Windows'
# run: cd sophios/install/ && echo " - pypy" >> system_deps_windows.yml
- name: Setup miniforge (linux, macos)
if: runner.os != 'Windows'
uses: conda-incubator/[email protected]
miniforge-variant: Miniforge3
miniforge-version: 24.7.1-2
environment-file: sophios/install/system_deps.yml
activate-environment: wic
channels: conda-forge
python-version: "3.9.*" # pypy is not yet compatible with 3.10 and 3.11
- name: Setup miniforge (windows)
if: runner.os == 'Windows'
uses: conda-incubator/[email protected]
miniforge-variant: Miniforge3
miniforge-version: 24.7.1-2
environment-file: sophios/install/system_deps_windows.yml
activate-environment: wic
channels: conda-forge
python-version: "3.9.*" # pypy is not yet compatible with 3.10 and 3.11
- name: ShellCheck Script Quality
if: always()
# "SC1017 (error): Literal carriage return. Run script through tr -d '\r' ."
run: shellcheck -e SC1017 $(find sophios/ -name "*.sh" -and -not -path "./3/*")
- name: Install Sophios
if: always()
run: cd sophios/ && pip install ".[all_except_runner_src]"
- name: Update Sophios Config
if: always()
run: cd sophios/ && python .github/
- name: Install Molecular Modeling Workflows
if: always()
# Also run mm-workflows command to generate
# mm-workflows/autogenerated/schemas/config_schemas.json
# NOTE: Use ".[test]" instead of ".[all_except_runner_src]"
# We do not want or need to install the workflow_deps extra.
# (Many of the packages conflict with pypy.)
run: cd mm-workflows/ && pip install ".[test]" && mm-workflows --generate_schemas
- name: Generate Sophios Python API Workflows (*.py -> *.wic)
if: always()
run: cd sophios/ && pytest -k test_compile_python_workflows
- name: Generate Sophios Validation Jsonschema
if: always()
run: cd sophios/ && sophios --generate_schemas
# Please read docs/
# This is essentially an integration test for all of the
# Sophios Python API workflows as well as the Sophios Python API itself.
- name: Validate sophios Python API Workflows (*.py -> *.wic)
if: always()
run: cd sophios/ && pytest -k test_compile_python_workflows
- name: Build Documentation
if: always()
run: cd sophios/docs && make html
- name: MyPy Check Type Annotations
if: always()
run: cd sophios/ && mypy src/ examples/ tests/
# NOTE: Do not use `mypy .` because then mypy will check both src/ and build/ causing:
# src/sophios/ error: Duplicate module named "wic"
# (also at "./build/lib/sophios/")
- name: PyLint Check Code Quality
if: always()
run: cd sophios/ && pylint src/ examples/**/*.py tests/
# NOTE: See fail-under threshold in .pylintrc
- name: PEP8 Code Formatting
if: always()
id: autopep8
run: cd sophios/ && autopep8 --exit-code --recursive --diff --max-line-length 120 examples/ src/ tests/
- name: Fail if autopep8 made changes
if: steps.autopep8.outputs.exit-code == 2
run: exit 1
# NOTE: Do NOT add coverage to PYPY CI runs
- name: PyTest CWL Embedding Independence
if: always()
run: cd sophios/ && pytest -k test_cwl_embedding_independence # --cov --cov-config=.coveragerc_serial
# NOTE: This test MUST be run in serial! See is_isomorphic_with_timeout()
timeout-minutes: 20 # backup timeout for windows
- name: PyTest Inline Subworkflows
if: always()
run: cd sophios/ && pytest -k test_inline_subworkflows # --cov --cov-config=.coveragerc_serial
# NOTE: This test MUST be run in serial! See is_isomorphic_with_timeout()
timeout-minutes: 20 # backup timeout for windows
- name: PyTest Scattering Scaling
if: runner.os == 'Linux'
# Avoid Windows and macOS due to 2X and 10X minute multipliers.
# Also, cannot run on Windows (natively) yet
run: cd sophios/ && pytest -k test_scattering_scaling
# NOTE: The steps below are for repository_dispatch only. For all other steps, please insert above
# this comment.
# Need to store success value in environment variable, rather than using 'success()' in-line inside a run tag.
# Otherwise: "The workflow is not valid. ... Unrecognized function: 'success'."
- name: The workflow has succeeded
if: success()
run: |
echo 'workflow_success=true' >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
# It is not clear from the documentation, but the 'success()' and 'failure()' functions
# do not consider skipped steps. Specifically, the above 'success()' function will not
# affect the 'failure()' function here.
- name: The workflow has failed
if: failure()
run: |
echo 'workflow_success=false' >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
# See
- name: Generate a token
if: always()
id: generate_token
uses: tibdex/github-app-token@b62528385c34dbc9f38e5f4225ac829252d1ea92
app_id: ${{ secrets.APP_ID }}
private_key: ${{ secrets.APP_PRIVATE_KEY }}
- name: Reply CI results to sender
# In case of failure, we still need to return the failure status to the original repository.
# Use 'always()' so this step runs even if there's a failure and use an internal if-statement
# to only run this step only if the repository_dispatch sends the signal.
# Use inputs.sender_repo to reply the original sender.
if: always()
uses: ./sophios/.github/my_actions/reply_sender/ # Must start with ./
github_repository: ${{ github.repository }}
event_type: ${{ inputs.event_type }}
sender_repo: ${{ inputs.sender_repo }}
operating_system: ${{ matrix.os }}
commit_message: ${{ inputs.commit_message }}
mm_workflows_ref: ${{ }}
workflow_success: ${{ env.workflow_success }}
access_token: ${{ steps.generate_token.outputs.token }}