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A PyTorch implementation of MuZero from Mastering Atari, Go, Chess and Shogi by Planning with a Learned Model.

  • Is distributed through Ray
  • Handles one/two-player games in style of OpenAI Gym
  • Live training results are logged with Tensorboard
  • Evaluate and visualize agent performance at any time.

Trained Examples


Random Trained

Tensorboard training results


Random Trained

Tensorboard training results


Random Trained

Tensorboard training results


Tensorboard training results


git clone
cd model-based-rl
pip install -r requirements.txt

Reproduce examples:

  • LunarLander-v2: python --environment LunarLander-v2 --architecture FCNetwork --num_actors 7 --fixed_temperatures 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.1 --td_steps 1000 --max_history_length 1000 --group_tag my_group_tag --run_tag my_run_tag

  • Pong-ramNoFrameskip-v4: python --environment Pong-ramNoFrameskip-v4 --architecture FCNetwork --num_actors 7 --fixed_temperatures 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.1 --td_steps 10 --obs_range 0 255 --norm_obs --sticky_actions 4 --noop_reset --episode_life --group_tag my_group_tag --run_tag my_run_tag

  • Breakout-ramNoFrameskip-v4: python --environment Breakout-ramNoFrameskip-v4 --architecture FCNetwork --num_actors 7 --fixed_temperatures 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.1 --td_steps 10 --window_size 200000 --batch_size 512 --obs_range 0 255 --norm_obs --sticky_actions 4 --noop_reset --episode_life --fire_reset --clip_rewards --group_tag my_group_tag --run_tag my_run_tag

  • Tic-Tac-Toe: python --environment tictactoe --two_players --architecture FCNetwork --num_actors 7 --fixed_temperatures 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.1 --td_steps 10 --discount 1 --known_bounds -1 1 --stored_before_train 20000 --group_tag my_group_tag --run_tag my_run_tag

See live training results with tensorboard:

tensorboard --logdir model-based-rl/runs/(environment)/(group_tag)/(run_tag)

Evaluate saved networks:

python --saves_dir model-based-rl/runs/(environment)/(group_tag)/(run_tag)/saves/ --nets (eg. 1000, 2000) --render --plot_summary --include_policy

Description of arguments:

Network arguments Description
--architecture {FCNetwork, MuZeroNetwork, TinyNetwork, HopfieldNetwork, AttentionNetwork} Name of an implemented network architecture
--value_support Min and max of the value support (default: -15 15)
--reward_support Min and max of the reward support (default: -15 15)
--no_support Turns off support
--seed Sets the seed for the training run (default: randomly sampled from [0, 10000]
Environment arguments Description
--clip_rewards Clip rewards to [-1, 1]
--stack_obs Stack given amount of consecutive observations to a new observation (default: 1)
--obs_range Specify the (min, max) range for the dimensions of the observation (default: None)
--norm_obs Normalize observations based on the given --obs_range
--sticky_actions Apply same action a given amount of times (default: 1)
--episode_life Prevent value bootstrapping after a loss of a life in Atari games
--fire_reset Apply the FIRE action after a reset call in Atari games
--noop_reset Apply the NOOP action a random amount of times between [0, --noop_max] after a reset call in Atari games
--noop_max Change the maximum for --noop_reset (default: 30)
--two_players Specify that the environment is for two-players
Self-Play arguments Description
--num_actors Number of self-play actors to launch (default: 7)
--max_steps Maximum amount of steps per game (default: 40000)
--num_simulations Amount of MCTS simulations at each step (default: 30)
--max_history_length Maximum length of game histories sent to the replay buffer (default: 500)
--visit_softmax_temperatures List of policy temperatures to apply throughout training (default: [1.0, 0.5, 0.25])
--visit_softmax_steps List of training steps to change to the next temperature in --visit_softmax_temperatures (default: [15000, 30000])
--fixed_temperatures List of fixed temperatures to each actor, instead of decaying (default: None)
--root_dirichlet_alpha Controls the shape of dirichlet noise added to the root node (default: 0.25)
--root_exploration_fraction Fraction of dirichlet noise added to the root node (default: 0.25)
--pb_c_base Base value of cpuct in the UCB formula (default: 19652)
--pb_c_init Initial value of cpuct in the UCB formula (default: 1.25)
--known_bounds Min and Max known bounds for the value function. (default: [None, None])
Prioritized Experience Replay arguments Description
--window_size Max amount of experiences to store (default: 100000)
--window_step Step size to increase window size (default: None)
--epsilon Lowest possible priority (default: 0.01)
--alpha Scale priorities by this power (default: 1.)
--beta Corrects for the sampling bias (default: 1.)
--beta_increment_per_sampling Increases beta towards 1 with each sample (default: 0.001)
Training arguments Description
--training_steps Amount of training steps to complete (default: 100000000)
--policy_loss The loss function for the policy (default: CrossEntropyLoss)
--scalar_loss The loss function for value and reward, used if --no_support (default: MSE)
--num_unroll_steps Amount of consecutive experiences used per backpropagation (default: 5)
--td_steps Time-difference steps to use when calculating value targets (default: 10)
--batch_size Amount of samples per batch (default: 256)
--discount Discount for the value targets (default: 0.997)
--batches_per_fetch Amount of batches to fetch in parallel from the replay buffer (default: 15)
--stored_before_train Amount of experiences stored in the replay buffer before the learner starts (default: 50000)
--clip_grad Maximum norm of the gradients (default: None)
--no_target_transform Turns off value and reward target transforms
--send_weights_frequency Training steps before weights are sent from the learner (default: 500)
--weight_sync_frequency Experiences before each actor syncs their weights with the learner (default: 1000)
--optimizer {SGD, RMSprop, Adam, AdamW} Name of the optimizer to use (default: AdamW)
--momentum Amount of momentum for optimizers that use it (default: 0.9)
--weight_decay Amount of weight decay specified to the optimizer (default: 0.0001)
--lr_scheduler {ExponentialLR, MuZeroLR, WarmUpLR} Name of a learning rate scheduler (default: None)
--lr_init Initial learning rate (default: 0.0008)
--lr_decay_rate Decay rate for learning rate schedulers that use it (default: 0.01)
--lr_decay_steps Training steps until the lr has been reduced by a factor of --decay_rate (default: 100000)
Saving and Loading arguments Description
--save_state_frequency Training steps before agents state is saved (default: 1000)
--load_state Load and continue training from a saved state(default: None)
--override_loaded_config Override the loaded config by the current
Evalutation arguments Description
--saves_dir Path to the saves directory which has the agents states (required)
--nets Name of the states in the given --saves_dir (required)
--num_games Number of games to evaluate on (default: 1)
--plot_summary Plot useful metrics of the games played
--include_policy Include the networks policy in --plot_summary
--include_bounds Include standard deviation bounds in --plot_summary
--detailed_label Add more information to the legends for --plot_summary
--smooth A value to smoothen metrics for --plot_summary (default: None)
--apply_mcts_actions Apply the given amount of actions from each MCTS (default: 1)
--parallel Evaluate multiple games in parallel
--verbose Prints useful metrics during the games
--render Render the games
--save_gif_as Save a rendered game as a gif given the name
--sleep Slow down the play, given in seconds (default: 0)
--save_mcts Save a visualization of the mcts during each step of the game
--save_mcts_after_step Modify the step after --save_mcts should start (default: 0)
--temperatures List of temperatures to compare between in evaluation (default: None)
--only_prior {0, 1} Set as 1 to only use the networks prior to play (default: 0)
--only_value {0, 1} Set as 1 to only use networks value function to play (default: 0)
--use_exploration_noise {0, 1} Set to 1 to include dirichlet noise during evaluation (default: 0)
--random_opp {-1, 1} For a two-player game, make one opponent random (default: None)
--human_opp {-1, 1} For a two-player game, take control of either player (default: None)
Logging arguments Description
--group_tag An tag used to group training runs (default: None)
--run_tag A tag specifying the training run (default: current-date)
--create_run_tag_from Specified arguments will create a --run_tag with a nested folder structure (default: None)
Debugging arguments Description
--debug Logs the weight distributions and their norm


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