This is а simple show-case where we have exposed simple REST API but at some point stakeholders wants a data grid with pagination (displaying minor subset of properties). GraphQL makes it super easy to implement this requirement with a lot of flexibility so API consumers can pick which fields want to be served as long as they are supported and defined in the GraphQL schema.
- JDK 21 as baseline
- Maven
- MongoDB v4.4 (
- Postman as nice to have (
- Robo 3T (Robomongo) as nice to have ( or MongoDB Compass (
- Docker
To Build:
mvn clean verify
To Run:
mvn spring-boot:run
- Navigate to http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html to check Swagger UI API definition.
- Setting up
will load some sample dummy data on startup. - Import postman collection in case you want to check up GraphQL exposed end point.
To spin up MongoDB and Mongo-Express via docker compose:
docker compose -f .\docker-infra.yml up -d
To shut it down:
docker compose -f .\docker-infra.yml down
To format the code base:
mvn com.spotify.fmt:fmt-maven-plugin:format
Data Volumes are available under: /dockervolume
Happy coding!!!