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Supercharge for your Three.js workflow.
Everything you need to create any-complexity 3D apps with Three.js.

A powerful component-oriented lib, enabling an elegant lifecycle management system and basic initializations. Based on extending Three.js objects with reusable features within seamless context propagation with pluggable modules. The OOP-driven.

βœ… Doesn't impose any restrictions on your existing Three.js logic.
πŸ”„ Fully compatible with any approach you already use.
🌐 Framework agnostic.
⚑ Zero boilerplate.
πŸ“˜ Written on Typescript.
πŸ“¦ Bundle size is ~12 kB.

🧐 The lib is designed in way not no include three.js as dependency.
It manipulates three.js entities but does not refer to them.


npm i @vladkrutenyuk/three-kvy-core

Be sure you installed peer deps and threejs:

npm i eventemitter3 three

and use like that

import * as KVY from "@vladkrutenyuk/three-kvy-core";


πŸ‘‰ Throughout this documentation, the following terms denote:
context β†’ KVY.GameContext
module β†’ KVY.GameContextModule
feature β†’ KVY.Object3DFeature
object β†’ THREE.Object3D

Quick start guide

1. Create context with modules

import * as KVY from "@vladkrutenyuk/three-kvy-core";
import * as THREE from "three";

const ctx = KVY.GameContext.create(THREE, {
    moduleExample: new ModuleExample(),
}, {
    antialias : true

// mount ctx's three.js renderer canvas
// run ctx's game loop;

2. Use features for three.js objects

Use the static method addFeature that adds a feature to a THREE.Object3D instance using a feature class (not an instance) extended from Object3DFeature, with optional props for its constructor.

const obj = new THREE.Object3D();

const feature = KVY.addFeature(obj, FeatureExample, { speed: 3 });

KVY.addFeature(obj, AnotherFeature, { name: "Vitalik" });

KVY.addFeature(obj, FeatureWithoutProps);


⚠️ This is a very important!

For features to work, their objects must be in the context hierarchy ctx.root.

See Context Propagation.

And here is example how to get or destroy features.

const simpleMovement = KVY.getFeature(obj, YourSimpleMovement);
const someOtherFeature = KVY.getFeatureBy(obj, (x) => x.isSmth);

KVY.getFeatures(obj)?.forEach((feature) => {


3. Writing GameContextModule

class ModuleExample extends KVY.GameContextModule {
    // Called when the feature is attached to ctx.
    // Returns a cleanup function that is called on detach, 
    // similar to `useEffect()` in React.
    useCtx(ctx) {
        // use attached ctx on its attach;

        return () => {
            // do cleanup on ctx detach

4. Writing Object3DFeature

export class FeatureExample extends KVY.Object3DFeature {
    constructor(object, props) {
        this.speed = props.speed;

    // use built-in event methods in override way

    useCtx(ctx) {
        // use attached ctx on its attach;

        // use ctx modules you defined;

        return () => {
            // do cleanup on ctx detach

    onBeforeRender(ctx) {
        console.log('before render');

        // use attached ctx;
        const dt = ctx.deltaTime;
        // use object this feature is attached to
        const obj = this.object;

        obj.rotateY(dt * this.speed);

    onLoopStop(ctx) {
        console.log('loop stopped');

    onResize(ctx) {
        console.log('canvas resized');

Core Concepts

πŸ‘‰ Here, ctx denote an instance of KVY.GameContext.

1. GameContext

The primary central entity (like "hub") that orchestrates the Three.js environment, animation loop, and module system. It enables an elegant lifecycle management system and handles essential initializations

It is propagated through all features of objects within the hierarchy of its root (ctx.root).

General entities:
ctx.root is THREE.Object3D that serves as the entry point for context propagation (see Context Propagation).
ctx.three is KVY.ThreeContext to manage the core three.js rendering setup.
ctx.loop is KVY.AnimationFrameLoop to manage the requestAnimationFrame loop.

2. GameContextModule

Base class for extending GameContext functionality through pluggable modules. Modules are initialized with context, can provide services to features, and manage their own lifecycle through useCtx pattern. Enables clean separation of concerns while maintaining full access to context capabilities.

3. Object3DFeature

Base class for implementing reusable components (features) that can be attached to any Three.js object. Context is automatically propagated to features when their object is added to ctx.root hierarchy, and lose it when removed.
- Context and its modules access through overridable useCtx and onCtxAttach/onCtxDetach methods.
- Built-in overridable lifecycle methods: onBeforeRender, onAfterRender, onLoopRun/onLoopStop, onResize, onMount/onUnmount.
- Direct access to object this.object the feature is attached to.

4. The useCtx Pattern

Both Object3DFeature and GameContextModule implement the powerful useCtx pattern, where you are able to:

  • Automatically sets up resources when context is attached
  • Returns a cleanup function that's automatically called on detachment
  • Ensures proper resource management with minimal boilerplate.

Method is overridable and called when the feature is attached to context. Returns a cleanup function that is called on detach, similar to useEffect() in React.

5. Context Propagation

⚠️ This is a very important!

  1. For features to work, their objects must be in the context hierarchy ctx.root.
    • The ctx.root is a THREE.Object3D that serves as the entry point for context propagation.
    • Any object added to ctx.root or its descendants will receive the context.
    • By default ctx.root is THREE.Scene (ctx.root === ctx.three.scene) if root was not providen on ctx creation. See Alternative raw way to create GameContext.
  2. Context attachment to object's features occurs:
    • An object with features (or its parent hierarchy) has added to ctx.root
    • A feature has added to an object that's already in the ctx.root hierarchy
  3. Context detachment from object's features occurs:
    • An object or its parent hierarchy has removed from ctx.root.
    • A Feature destroy method has called.
  4. Order doesn't matter.
    • Features can be added before or after including objects in the hierarchy.

Here's how it works in practice:

// Direct child
const obj = new THREE.Object3D();
KVY.addFeature(obj, SomeFeature);
ctx.root.add(obj); // ctx has attached to "obj" features here!
// Or deeper in hierarchy
const parent = new THREE.Group();
const child = new THREE.Object3D();
KVY.addFeature(child, SomeFeature);
ctx.root.add(parent); // ctx has attached to "child" features here!
// Or another order
const parent = new THREE.Group();

const child = new THREE.Object3D();

KVY.addFeature(child, SomeFeature); // ctx has attached to "child" features here!

6. Features management. Factory

Add features

Use the static method addFeature that adds a feature to a THREE.Object3D instance using a feature class (not an instance) extended from Object3DFeature, with optional props for its constructor.

const obj = new THREE.Object3D();

const feature = KVY.addFeature(obj, FeatureExample, { speed: 3 });


KVY.addFeature(obj, AnotherFeature, { name: "Vitalik" });

KVY.addFeature(obj, FeatureWithoutProps);

Get features

Use static methods getFeature to find feature by its class, getFeatureBy to find by custom predicate, or getFeatures to get all features attached to an object.

const simpleMovement = KVY.getFeature(obj, YourSimpleMovement);
const someOtherFeature = KVY.getFeatureBy(obj, (x) => x.isSmth);

KVY.getFeatures(obj)?.forEach((feature) => {

Destroy features

Use destroyFeature static method or feature instance's destroy method to detach feature from object and clean up its resources.

const feature = KVY.addFeature(obj, FeatureExample);

KVY.destroyFeature(obj, feature);
// or


Use clear static method to destroy and detach all features from the given object, cleaning up any associated resources and removing the featurability aspect from the object.


Guides and Examples

1. Alternative raw way to create GameContext

It can be usefull if you use some framework or lib which initializes threejs's entities by itself in special way.

const renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({ antialias : true });
const camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera();
const scene = new THREE.Scene();
const raycaster = new THREE.Raycaster();

const three = new KVY.ThreeContext(renderer, camera, scene, raycaster);

const root = new THREE.Group();
const clock = new THREE.Clock(false);

const ctx = new KVY.GameContext(three, root, clock, {
    moduleA: new MyModuleA(),
    moduleB: new MyModuleB(),

2. Work with ThreeContext

KVY.GameContext has it: ctx.three.

const three = new KVY.ThreeContext.create(THREE, { antialias : true });
// access basic three.js entities

// mount/unmount renderer canvas
// Emits `mount` and `unmount` events.


// Renders the scene using the current render function
// Emits `renderbefore` and `renderafter` events.

three.on("camerachanged", (camera) => {
    console.log("new camera was set", camera);
// Set camera. Emits `camerachanged`. = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(); // > "new camera was set"

// set custom render implementation
function myCustomRender() { ... }

// back original source render

// It disposes renderer, unmounts canvas, prevents further rendering.
// Emits a `destroy` event.

3. Integration with React

const ThreeKvyCore = ({ ctx }) => {
    const ref = useRef(null);

    useEffect(() => {
        const container = ref.current;
        if (!container) return;


        return () => {
    }, [ctx]);

    return <div ref={ref} style={{width:"100%",height:"100%"}} />;
const ctx = KVY.GameContext.create(THREE, { ... })

const App = () => {
    return (
            <ThreeKvyCore ctx={ctx} />

    <App />

4. Simple Movement Example


import * as KVY from "@vladkrutenyuk/three-kvy-core";

export class InputKeyModule extends KVY.GameContextModule {
    keys = new Set();
    isKeyDown = (key) => this.keys.has(key);

    useCtx(ctx) {
        const onKeyDown = (e) => this.keys.add(e.code);
        const onKeyUp = (e) => this.keys.delete(e.code);

        const dom = ctx.three.renderer.domElement;
        dom.addEventListener("keydown", onKeyDown);
        dom.addEventListener("keyup", onKeyUp);

        return () => {
            dom.removeEventListener("keydown", onKeyDown);
            dom.removeEventListener("keyup", onKeyUp);


import * as KVY from "@vladkrutenyuk/three-kvy-core";

export class SimpleMovement extends KVY.Object3DFeature {
    speed = 10;

    constructor(object, props) {
        this.speed = props.speed;

    onBeforeRender(ctx) {
        const dp = this.speed * ctx.deltaTime;
        const pos = this.object.position;

        const key = ctx.modules.input.isKeyDown;

        if (key('KeyW')) pos.z -= dp;
        if (key('KeyS')) pos.z += dp;
        if (key('KeyD')) pos.x += dp;
        if (key('KeyA')) pos.x -= dp;

Put it together!

import * as THREE from "three";
import * as KVY from "@vladkrutenyuk/three-kvy-core";
import { InputKeyModule } from "./InputKeyModule.js"
import { SimpleMovement } from "./SimpleMovement.js"

const ctx = KVY.GameContext.create(THREE, { 
    input: new InputKeyModule()

const character = new THREE.Group();

const camera =;

KVY.addFeature(character, SimpleMovement, { speed: 6 });

5. EasyOrbitControls. Adaptation example

Additionally, any code can be easily adapted to the Object3DFeature style, making integration seamless and non-intrusive.


class EasyOrbitControls extends KVY.Object3DFeature {
    constructor(object, props) {
        super(object); =;
        this.options = props.options;

    // Object3DFeature's built-in method
    useCtx(ctx) {
        const three = ctx.three;
        const controls = new OrbitControls(, three.renderer.domElement);
        controls.options = this.options; =;
        this.controls = controls;

        return () => {
            this.controls = undefined;

    onBeforeRender(ctx) {
const obj = new THREE.Object3D();

const target = new THREE.Object3D();
KVY.addFeature(obj, EasyOrbitControls, { target, options: { ... } });

6. Set modules after initialization

This flexibility allows you to dynamically register modules as needed even after initialization.

const ctx = KVY.GameContext.create(THREE, { 
    moduleA: new ModuleA(),
    moduleB: new ModuleB()

    moduleC: new ModuleC(),
    moduleD: new ModuleD(),


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Game world for Three.js







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