Releases: vmware-tanzu/velero-plugin-for-aws
Releases · vmware-tanzu/velero-plugin-for-aws
All changes
- fix ssec: missing base64 encoding and md5 hash (#228, @gschei)
- Bump version to v0.33.0 (#240, @reasonerjt)
All changes
- static checks (#208, @kaovilai)
- Futureproof validChecksumAlg() (#209, @kaovilai)
- Set hinting region to use for GetBucketRegion() (#210, @kaovilai)
- fix(docs): Add required S3 PutObjectTagging permission to IAM policy in README (#218, @chrisRedwine)
- Add known compat issues with Non-AWS S3 compatible providers (#219, @kaovilai)
- bump up the dependencies of velero (#220, @reasonerjt)
- Update the version matrix in (#221, @reasonerjt)
All changes
- static checks (#208, @kaovilai)
- Futureproof validChecksumAlg() (#209, @kaovilai)
- Set hinting region to use for GetBucketRegion() (#210, @kaovilai)
- fix(docs): Add required S3 PutObjectTagging permission to IAM policy in README (#218, @chrisRedwine)
- Add known compat issues with Non-AWS S3 compatible providers (#219, @kaovilai)
- bump up the dependencies of velero (#220, @reasonerjt)
- Update the version matrix in (#221, @reasonerjt)
All changes
- static checks (#208, @kaovilai)
- Futureproof validChecksumAlg() (#209, @kaovilai)
- Set hinting region to use for GetBucketRegion() (#210, @kaovilai)
- fix(docs): Add required S3 PutObjectTagging permission to IAM policy in README (#218, @chrisRedwine)
- Add known compat issues with Non-AWS S3 compatible providers (#219, @kaovilai)
- bump up the dependencies of velero (#220, @reasonerjt)
- Update the version matrix in (#221, @reasonerjt)
All changes
- Bump Golang version to fix CVEs. (#213, @blackpiglet)
- Set hinting region to use for GetBucketRegion (#212, @kaovilai)
All changes
- Pin referenced Velero to v1.14.1-rc.1 (#214, @blackpiglet)
- Bump Golang version to fix CVEs. (#213, @blackpiglet)
- Set hinting region to use for GetBucketRegion (#212, @kaovilai)
All changes
- Add label org.opencontainers.image.source(#190, @robinschneider)
- Unset env vars for role-assumption when creds are set(#191, @reasonerjt)
- configuration for checksum algorithm for PutObject to S3(#194, @reasonerjt)
- Respect the TLS setting in BSL in object store plugin(#195, @reasonerjt)
- Bump up to golang v1.22(#199, reasonerjt)
All changes
- Add label org.opencontainers.image.source(#190, @robinschneider)
- Unset env vars for role-assumption when creds are set(#191, @reasonerjt)
- configuration for checksum algorithm for PutObject to S3(#194, @reasonerjt)
- Respect the TLS setting in BSL in object store plugin(#195, @reasonerjt)
- Bump up to golang v1.22(#199, reasonerjt)
All changes
- Add label org.opencontainers.image.source(#190, @robinschneider)
- Unset env vars for role-assumption when creds are set(#191, @reasonerjt)
- configuration for checksum algorithm for PutObject to S3(#194, @reasonerjt)
- Respect the TLS setting in BSL in object store plugin(#195, @reasonerjt)
- Bump up to golang v1.22(#199, reasonerjt)