Contributors: prettyboymp, kevinlangleyjr, banderon, voceplatforms
Tags: settings, api
Requires at least: 3.3
Tested up to: 4.2.2
Stable tag: 0.5.3
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:
A simplification of the core WordPress settings API
After dropping the plugin into the containing theme or plugin, add the following:
if( ! class_exists( 'Voce_Settings_API' ) ) {
require_once( $path_to_voce_settings_api . '/voce-settings-api.php' );
The Voce_Settings_API
is used as a singleton so you can add settings to pages that are created elsewhere just by using the same page_key. The singleton instance can be retreived by using Voce_Settings_API::GetInstance()
and most methods can be chained to easily create multiple groups and setting fields per page.
Pages are registered through the add_page()
method of the Voce_Settings_API
, which is accessed through the singleton instance of itself.
(string) - A string used at the top of the settings page$menu_title
(string) - A string used as the title of the page either in the admin menu or if specified, an admin submenu$page_key
(string) - A unique string used as the page key for the settings page$capability
(string) - The capability level for users to be able to see and edit settings on the page$description
(string) - Short description of the page$parent_page
(string) - Slug for parent page, leave empty to create new menu item
Groups are registered through the add_group()
method of the Voce_Settings_Page
(string) - A string used at the top of the settings group$group_key
(string) - A unique string used as the group key for the settings$capability
(string) - The capability level for users to be able to see and edit settings within the group$description
(string) - Short description of the group
Setting fields are registered through the add_setting()
method of the Voce_Settings_Group
(string) - A string used within the label for the setting field$setting_key
(string) - A unique string used as the setting key$args
(array) - Array of arugments for the setting
Voce_Settings_API::GetInstance()->add_page( 'Site Settings', 'Site Settings', 'site-settings', 'manage_options', 'General settings for site', 'options-general.php' )
->add_group( 'Social Settings', 'social-settings' )
->add_setting( 'Station Facebook Page URL', 'facebook_page_url', array(
'sanitize_callbacks' => array( 'vs_sanitize_url' )
->add_setting( 'Google+ Profile', 'google_plus_profile', array(
'sanitize_callbacks' => array( 'vs_sanitize_url' )
->add_group( 'Analytic Settings', 'analytic-settings' )
->add_setting( 'Google Analytics Tracking ID', 'ga_id', array(
'display_callback' => function( $value, $setting, $args ){
// write your own display method or use one of the built in options listed below.
return false;
'sanitize_callbacks' => array( function( $value, $setting, $args ){
// write your own sanitization methods or use one of the built in which are listed below.
return $value;
} ) ) );
Using the get_settting()
method of the Voce_Settings_API
, you can retreive the value of a setting by passing in the setting key, group key, and optionally the default value to return if no value has been set yet.
$value = Voce_Settings_API::GetInstance()->get_setting($setting_key, $group_key, $default_value);
add_action( 'vs_admin_enqueue_scripts', function( $vs_page ){
foreach( $vs_page->groups as $group ){
foreach( $group->settings as $setting ){
if( $setting->args['display_callback'] == 'display_callback_of_custom_setting_field' ){
wp_enqueue_script('custom-setting-field-js', plugins_url( 'js/custom-setting-field-js.js', __FILE__ ), array( 'jquery' ) );
wp_enqueue_style( 'custom-setting-field-css', plugins_url( 'css/custom-setting-field-css.css', __FILE__ ) );
break 2;
} );
Please refer to full changelog at