Docker template for Moodle development based on NGINX and PHP-FPM
user: root
password: 12345
Start project
- Add moodle.local to your "hosts" file
clone Moodle source code to ./src/moodle.local folder
$ make install
$ make docker_up
$ create DB moodle_local
- copy ./config/config.php to ./src/moodle.local
Project URL
- Moodle: https://moodle.local:8202
- PHPMyAdmin: http://localhost:8205
- Adminer: http://localhost:8283
- Mailhog: http://localhost:8025
Build with custom containers
Use PostrgeSQL:
$ export dockerfile='-f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.dbpostgre13.yml -f docker-compose.mailhog.yml -f docker-compose.adminer.yml'
$ make docker_build
$ make docker_up
Run moodle commands
- Export moodleroot path:
$ export moodleroot=moodle.local
- Run Cron:
$ make run_cron
- Run PHP command:
$ make path=admin/cli/check_database_schema.php run_php_script
Run CI
- Export moodleroot path:
$ export moodleroot=moodle.local
- Install node:
$ make node_install
- Install CI plugin:
$ make init_ci
- Run plugin CI:
$ make pluginpath=admin/tool/dataprivacy run_plugin_ci
Run PHPUnit
- Export moodleroot path:
$ export moodleroot=moodle.local
- Init PHPUnit:
$ make init_tests
- Run testsuite for one plugin:
$ make testsuite=tool_dataprivacy_testsuite run_testsuite
Run Behat Tests
Will be configured soon...
Setup new host
- generate new ssl for host with mkcert ( in ./docker/nginx/ssl
- add new host to local host file
- add new DB to ./database/init/init.sql or create new DB instance manually
- add logs files to ./docker/nginx/logs
- add conf file to ./docker/nginx/configs
- clone code to ./src/newhost
$ make init
$ make docker_up
- to run scripts/tests in specific host export moodleroot:
$ export moodleroot=newhost