A few useful algorithms and classes implemented in C++.
Header only. C++11 required.
Platform: Microsoft Windows
File: serialport_streambuf.h
auto buf = unchecked_serialport_streambuf(L"COM3"); // open serial port
auto s = std::basic_iostream<byte>(&buf); // pass buffer to an io-stream
s << byte('E') << std::flush; // send 'E' over the wire
This file contains a generic streambuffer, which is used to perform serialport communication. The streambuffers are designed to be fully compatible with the standart template library (STL).
Header only. C++11 not required.
Platform: Microsoft Windows
File: directory_iterator.h
for(auto it=directory_iterator(L"C:/"); it != directory_iterator(); ++it)
std::wcout << it->c_str() << std::endl;
Header only. C++11 not required.
File: algorithms_sort.h
- bubble_sort
- selection_sort
- quick_sort
- insertion_sort
- shell_sort
- comb_sort
- heap_sort
Header only. C++11 not required.
File: aes256_cipher.h
Rudimentary implementation by a non-professional.