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The module installs and configures the Open Monitoring Distribution (OMD) which includes Nagios, check_mk and lots of other tools. Beside the server component, the module is also able to install and configure the check_mk agent.

Originally by erwbgy, then forked by gnúbila France and now maintained by Vox Pupuli.


The module has been tested with:

  • CentOS 7;
  • Debian 9;
  • Puppet version 5 and Puppet 6;
  • check_mk version 1.5.x.

Also it requires the following forge modules:

  • puppetlabs/concat
  • puppetlabs/stdlib
  • camptocamp/systemd



Basic usage

The following code will install check_mk and create one 'omd site'. Once this is done you should be able to access it by visiting:

http://<IP of the machine>/monitoring/

Debian 9:

class { 'check_mk':
  filestore => '',
  package   => 'check-mk-raw-1.5.0p19_0.stretch_amd64.deb',

CentOS 7:

class { 'check_mk':
  filestore => '',
  package   => 'check-mk-raw-1.5.0p19-el7-38.x86_64.rpm',

Before you are able to login you have to reset the default admin password:

su - monitoring
htpasswd -i ~/etc/passwd cmkadmin

Changing default site name

The following example changes the default site name from 'monitoring' to 'differentsitename'

class { 'check_mk':
  monitoring_site => 'differentsitename',

Without direct internet access

For machines without direct internet connection a different 'filestore' is required. First download the required installation files on a machine with direct internet access and move the file onto the system (for example to: '/tmp').

class { 'check_mk':
  filestore => '/tmp',
  package   => 'check-mk-raw-1.5.0p19-el7-38.x86_64.rpm',

The puppet fileserver can also be used.

class { 'check_mk':
  filestore => 'puppet:///<NAME OF MOUNT POINT>',
  package   => 'check-mk-raw-1.5.0p19-el7-38.x86_64.rpm',


Basic usage

To install the check_mk agent a check_mk server needs to be up and running. Because the check_mk server will be used as a distribution point for the agent package.

Debian 9:

class { 'check_mk::agent':
  filestore => 'http://<url of the check_mk server>/monitoring/check_mk/agents/',
  package   => 'check-mk-agent_1.5.0p19-1_all.deb',

CentOS 7:

class { 'check_mk::agent':
  filestore => 'http://<url of the check_mk server>/monitoring/check_mk/agents/',
  package   => 'check-mk-agent-1.5.0p19-1.noarch.rpm',

Securing agent

The agent has the ability to implement a whitelist of check_mk servers to limited access only to those servers. To increase the security of the check_mk agent you can implement the following:

  • Encrypt communication with a secret. See the check_mk website for more information.
  • Implement whitelisting on the agent.
  • Implement a strict incoming firewall which only allows access on port 6556 from the check_mk server. The firewall can be configured using the puppetlabs/firewall module.

The following code implements a whitelist and a communication secret:

class { 'check_mk::agent':
  ip_whitelist      => [''],
  encryption_secret => 'SECRET',