Python library for Agile CRM based on the rest-api documentation.
We use this in production for Screenly, and it works fine. Still a bit rough around the corners, but it does indeed work.
Clone the repo as a sub-module inside your project.
Install the Python requirements.
$ pip install agilecrm
In order to use the module, you need to set the following environment variables:
First, you need to import the module. This may vary depending on your paths etc, but something like:
import agilecrm
Simply create a new user. Despite what is claimed in the documentation, all variables appear to be optional.
agilecrm.create_contact( first_name='John', last_name='Doe', email='[email protected]', tags=['signed_up'], company='Foobar Inc')
You can also use custom fields (must be created in Agile CRM first):
agilecrm.create_contact( first_name='John', custom = { 'SomeField': 'Foobar' }
Update a user object.
agilecrm.update_contact( first_name='Steve', last_name='Smith', email='[email protected]', tags=['name_updated'], company='Foobar2 Inc')
This will get the user by email and return the user object as JSON.
agilecrm.get_contact_by_email('[email protected]')
This will get the user by UUID and return the user object as JSON.
This will add the tag ‘awesome_user’ to the user ‘[email protected]’. Both variables are required.
agilecrm.add_tag('[email protected]', 'awesome_user')