Releases: vr-voyage/vrchat-remote-world-list-loader
Remote World List Loader !
The first prototype of the Remote World List Loader.
It's currently extremely static, only the Prefab can be used correctly.
So it's only good as a "Proof of Concept" by now.
I'll try to figure out how to make it customisable afterwards.
If you want to try it, just look for the prefab in Packages > Voyage's Simple Scripts : Remote World List Loader > Runtime and you should be good to go.
The current format for the list is :
Description (unused)
The fields can be rearranged, as long as you set their order (labeled field number) in the script.
The script only handle loading the file, pagination and opening portals for the moment.
There's no proper error handling, meaning that if the file fails to load, you won't know why.